The statutes of the faculty of medicine go back to the period of the founding of the University of Basel (1460). They contain general regulations regarding discipline, attendance and punctuality; regulate baccalaureate and doctoral examinations; give directions regarding the duration of studies and the admission of foreign students; and reflect the strict hierarchy of the faculty. The model for these statutes probably was the 1398 statutes of the Viennese medical faculty.
Online Since: 12/20/2016

This volume of the medical faculty's register is richly decorated; it covers the period of deanships from Heinrich Pantaleon (1559) until Werner de Lachenal (1799). The entries are mostly made by the deans and are accompanied by their respective emblems. Preceding the reports are remarks by Heinrich Pantaleon on the history of the faculty from 1460 until 1559.
Online Since: 12/20/2016

This second volume of the medical faculty's register contains a list of successful doctorates from 1571 to 1806 and of registered students from 1570 to 1814, as well as an overview of exams and Disputationes and of lectures during the break for the (dog days of) summer. The entries are preceded by a full-page miniature of the seal of the medical faculty of the University of Basel.
Online Since: 12/20/2016

This volume, composed and also partly written by Theodor Zwinger around 1720, is a collection from the registers, the Decreta medica and other, in part now lost, documents from the University of Basel's faculty of medicine. In addition to the deans' reports from 1559-1724, this manuscript contains remarks by Heinrich Pantaleon on the history of the faculty from 1460 until 1559, copied from AN II 20.
Online Since: 12/20/2016

Manuscripts AN II 36 and AN II 37 together constitute a complete Bible in German. This is a copy of the so-called “Mentelin Bible” [printed in Strasbourg by Johannes Mentelin, prior to 27 June 1466] and of the “Pflanzmannbibel.” In the 17th century, both manuscripts were owned by Peter Werenfels (1627-1703), professor of theology and pastor at St. Leonhard in Basel.
Online Since: 03/22/2018

Manuscripts AN II 36 and AN II 37 together constitute a complete Bible in German. This is a copy of the so-called “Mentelin Bible” [printed in Strasbourg by Johannes Mentelin, prior to 27 June 1466] and of the “Pflanzmannbibel.” In the 17th century, both manuscripts were owned by Peter Werenfels (1627-1703), professor of theology and pastor at St. Leonhard in Basel.
Online Since: 03/22/2018

This Greek manuscript, dating primarily from the tenth century, contains the letters of Paul along with chains of commentaries. It shares similarities with the manuscripts of the so-called “scriptorium of Ephrem” of Constantinople. In that same city, in the fifteenth century, John of Ragusa, legate of the Council of Basel, bought the codex, which he then bequeathed after his death to the Dominicans of Basel. Erasmus used it for his text of the Pauline Epistles as part of his first edition of the Greek New Testament (1516). Erasmus' printer, Johannes Froben, left annotations on the pages.
Online Since: 09/26/2024

This richly illuminated manuscript is a Greek Tetravangelion of Italo-Byzantine origin copied in the eighth or ninth century in a biblical uncial script. Some scholars have connected the uncommon style of its decoration with, on the one hand, Byzantine art of the Iconoclastic Period, and on the other hand, with the aesthetic of churches and artefacts from the period of the Byzantine Exarchate of Ravenna. In the fifteenth century, John of Ragusa, legate of the Council of Basel, bought the codex in Constantinople, and then bequeathed it on his death to the Dominicans of Basel.
Online Since: 09/26/2024

This volume is one of several manuscripts that are preserved in Basel and that contain records of the Council of Constance (1414-1418). The origin of the manuscript, which contains source material about sessions 1-45, is not known. The script suggests the third quarter of the 15th century; the binding is dated to the 18th century. Noteworthy is the dry-point ruling of the leaves by means of a ruling-board.
Online Since: 06/25/2015

This Greek Tetravangelium from the twelfth century was acquired in the fifteenth century, perhaps in Basel, by the Dominican theologian John of Ragusa, who bequeathed it on his death to the Basel Dominicans. Later, Erasmus borrowed it from the Dominicans to use it for his first edition of the Greek New Testament (1516). During his editorial work, the humanist made in the margins numerous additions and corrections to the text. He then entrusted the codex to the Basel printer Johannes Froben, who left many annotations on the pages.
Online Since: 09/26/2024

In this twelfth-century Greek manuscript of the New Testament, divided in two parts (without the Apocalypse), the Epistles and Acts were surprisingly placed before the Gospels. Magnificently illuminated, this codex has initials that represent the epistolographers of the New Testament; one miniature depicts John the Evangelist and Christ's descent into Hell (f. 265v). In the fifteenth-century, John of Ragusa, a delegate from the Council of Basel, bought the codex in Constantinople; he then bequeathed it on his death to the Dominicans of Basel. The codex passed into the hands of Johannes Reuchlin, as well as those of Erasmus for his first edition of the Greek New Testament (1516).
Online Since: 09/26/2024

This Greek manuscript contains the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles. The main hand, rushed and cursive, very often distances itself from the archaicizing forms of the traditional minuscule used in Byzantine copies of the Bible. The codex received its current Byzantine binding perhaps from the monastery of Saint John Prodromos of Petra in Constantinople and was purchased in that city in the fifteenth century by John of Ragusa, delegate from the Council of Basel. John bequeathed the volume on his death to the Dominicans of Basel. Erasmus used it for his first edition of the Greek New Testament (1516).
Online Since: 09/26/2024

A German Psalter, written in 1485 by Johannes Waltpurger, perhaps in Augsburg. The ornamental page decorated with vine scroll with the beginning of the first prologue is almost identical to one in a Cambridge manuscript by the same scribe. The back pastedown, glued to the cover, depicts a landscape showered in blood. It is not clear how this manuscript came to Basel.
Online Since: 06/25/2015

This manuscript from the Carthusian Monastery of Basel consists primarily of the best-known works by the Roman historian Sallust – De coniuratione Catilinaeand De bello Iugurthino. In addition, it contains various short texts and fragments of known (Isidore, Publilius Syrus, Ps.-Serviolus) and unknown authorship (rules for syllabification, arithmetical riddles) and a drawing of a labyrinth. The manuscript contains numerous interlinear and marginal glosses by various hands.
Online Since: 06/14/2018

This manuscript, produced in the first half of the 9th century in Fulda, contains two astronomical texts: several excerpts of the Aratus latinus and the Aratea by Germanicus with explanatory scholia, illustrations of the 34 constellations and a (now removed) drawing of the entire night sky. The Aratea, based on the astronomical didactic poem by Aratus of Soli, served as illustrative source for the astronomical background knowledge required for teaching the computus (calculating the date of Easter) at the school of the Fulda Monastery.
Online Since: 06/25/2015

This manuscript contains two Middle French poems from Les Pèlerinages by Guillaume de Deguileville (1295-1360). This religious-allegorical work treats the literary topos Homo viator, man on a (spiritual) journey. The origin of the first owner, the rubricator and perhaps also the scribe of the manuscript, Petrus Guioti, suggests that the manuscript originated in the Loire region. The work was owned by the art collector and painter Peter Vischer-Passavant (1779-1851); in 1823 it became part of the Basel University Library.
Online Since: 06/14/2018

The Sefer Nizzaḥon Yashan is the name of an anonymous anthology of arguments against the Christological interpretation of biblical verses, supplemented by critique of the Gospels and Christian doctrines and morals. Composed in Franco-Germany circa 1300, most confutations are based on polemical themes and criticisms of Christian faith which were disseminated in Jewish circles in medieval Ashkenaz and northern France. There are few extant editions and manuscripts of this work, one of which is the Basel Nizzaḥon. This manuscript which bears some similarities with the other copies, should nevertheless be considered as an indirect, yet important witness to Jewish apologetic from medieval Franco-Germany.
Online Since: 03/19/2020

This magnificent book of hours probably was created in the third quarter of the 15th century in Northern Italy. The style of the painting and of the veneration of the saints suggests the region around Modena, Este, Ferrara. The historiated initials in the calendar show the twelve months; at the beginning of the offices there are ornamental pages with illustrations mostly from the life of Christ. The miniatures and initials are executed in opaque colors and in gold. In the 20th century, this manuscript came to the university library from the Kunstmuseum Basel.
Online Since: 09/26/2017

Around 1520, Georg Carpentarius, the librarian of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel at the time, compiled a shelf list for the library. This catalog consists of two volumes, one each for the two library rooms of the Bibliotheca antiqua(AR I 2) and the Bibliotheca nova(AR I 3). The catalog for the Bibliotheca antiquais preceded by the so-called “Informatorium bibliothecarii”, a guide for the librarian which instructs him in his tasks, among them the cataloguing and the care of the books as well as of the inventory. Bound into the front is a list of books that were donated to the Ittingen Charterhouse by the Carthusian Monastery of Basel in 1526.
Online Since: 10/04/2018

Around 1520, Georg Carpentarius, the librarian of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel at the time, compiled a shelf list for the library. This catalog consists of two volumes, one each for the two library rooms of the Bibliotheca antiqua(AR I 2) and the Bibliotheca nova(AR I 3). The catalog for the Bibliotheca nova was designed for expansion and contains blank pages after each letter of the alphabet, where more shelfmarks could be added.
Online Since: 10/04/2018

In 1482 Jakob Lauber, the librarian at the time, began to compile a loans register for the holdings of the library of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel. This register was continued after Lauber's tenure until 1527. The loans register was set up according to the shelfmark letters A to I, and it even was possible to record volumes on loan that had no shelfmark. Borrowed books were listed with the exact shelfmark under the corresponding letter; after the book's return, the entry was crossed out.
Online Since: 10/04/2018

The Repertorium of Urban Moser, librarian of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel, is a register of the library holdings of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel, alphabetically arranged by authors, titles and topics. Since Moser's successor Georg Carpentarius changed the shelfmark of various volumes, around 1520 he added a shelfmark concordance to the catalog, so that this alphabetical register could still be used. Thus the alphabetical register and the shelf lists (Basel, UB, AR I 2 and AR I 3) could be used in complement.
Online Since: 10/04/2018

Third volume of a Latin Bible originally in four parts that was made in Basel between 1435 and 1445. Illustrated by an anonymous artist, the volumes were written by Heinrich von Vullenhoe, one of the most important calligraphers of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel. The biblical books follow the order specified in the liturgy. Also included in this group are codices B I 2 and B I 3.
Online Since: 12/20/2016

Fourth volume of a Latin Bible originally in four parts that was made in Basel between 1435 and 1445. Illustrated by an anonymous artist, the volumes were written by Heinrich von Vullenhoe, one of the most important calligraphers of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel. The biblical books follow the order specified in the liturgy. Also included in this group are codices B I 1 and B I 3.
Online Since: 12/20/2016

This 13th century manuscript with Peter Lombards' commentary on the Psalms, previously owned by Petrus Medicus, came to the Carthusian Monastery of Basel in the 15th century. The codex is organized in three columns, although the outermost column closest to the margin remains empty. The two columns of text are in turn again partly divided in half and give the biblical text in the left half and the commentary in the right half, in lines of half the height. Figure initials in delicate French style correspond to the division of the Psalter into eight liturgical sections. The blank area below the text contains nearly unreadable notes perhaps in pencil, which may be a further commentary.
Online Since: 12/20/2016

Missal for the Diocese of Basel, created around 1460. This richly illustrated volume was part of a donation by the widow Margaretha Brand († 1474) to the Carthusian Monastery of Basel. It was used at the altar of the holy Virgin in the small cloister of the Carthusian Monastery. In terms of art history, the manuscript can be assigned to the "Vullenhoe-Gruppe."
Online Since: 09/26/2017

First part of a two-volume edition of Gregory's Moralia in Iob. From the Carthusian Monastery, purchased at the Council of Basel. The main part of the manuscript was written at the turn from the 11th to the 12th century; the Tabula found at the very beginning and very end of the volume was added in the 13th century. The earlier provenance of the manuscript is not clear, but an origin in common with the second volume (B I 13a) stands to reason.
Online Since: 09/26/2017

Second part of a two-volume edition of Gregory's Moralia in Iob. This volume from the end of the 12th century, richly decorated with initials, was purchased at the Council of Basel for the Carthusian Monastery of Basel and was augmented at the monastery by the scribe Heinrich von Vullenhoe. The provenance of the volume is not certain. An erased note of ownership of the Monastery of S. Maria in Insula could refer to the Premonstratensian Abbey of Marienwerd in Goldern or to the Cistercian Abbey of Notre Dame de l'Ile-de-Ré near La Rochelle. The first volume (B I 12) probably has the same origin.
Online Since: 09/26/2017

Although it contains no note of ownership, the old title label with its shelfmark in red, as well as traces of a chain indicate that this volume might belong with the manuscripts of the Cathedral Chapter of Basel. Also, the transcription of the dated second part falls into the tenure of the bibliophile Bishop Johannes von Venningen (1458-1478). This volume contains the sentences of Taio (died 682) and Gregory the Great's sermons on the Gospels; it is decorated with small grotesque figures, little hands and letters with elongated shafts.
Online Since: 06/14/2018

Bishop Paul of Burgos, who converted from Judaism to Christianity at the end of the 14th century, composed the Additiones to the postil of Nicholas of Lyra and the Scrutinium scripturarum to prove that belief in Christ corresponds to a literal understanding of the Old Testament. This manuscript was created in 1436/37 and is from the Dominican Monastery of Basel.
Online Since: 12/20/2016

This manuscript, sparingly decorated with foliate and figure initials, was produced at the end of the 12th century and belonged to the Carthusian Monastery of Basel. In addition to the glossed cantica ad laudes et ferialia, it primarily contains the Psalter with the glossa ordinaria, the standard medieval commentary on the biblical texts. The layout of the text is in the customary catena-style: the text of the Psalm is in the middle of the page, surrounded by interpretation in the margins and betweens the lines.
Online Since: 12/14/2018

This manuscript originally consisted of three independent parts, dated to the 10th and 11th century. It contains Pauline Epistles, the glosses on the Pauline Epistles by Sedulius Scottus, as well as the final books of the New Testament. In the 15th century, Heinrich Gügelin of Rheinfelden, chaplain and provost at the Cathedral of Basel, donated this book to an unspecified Basel monastery.
Online Since: 06/22/2017

This Gospel Book, written in an accurate Carolingian book hand, was probably created in the Marmoutier abbey by Tours. It features richly decorated initials and artistically designed frames for the canon tables. The manuscript was a gift to the Carthusians of Basel from the former dean of Rheinfeld, Antonius Rüstmann, in 1439.
Online Since: 12/14/2017

This hefty volume, written by two hands, is made up of multiple texts having the same, although not entirely uniform, layout with pen-flourished initials in the so-called Upper-Rhine Style, similar to the two volumes of Nicolas of Lyra, B IV 3 und B V 5, which also came from the Basel Dominican Convent, but not from the same workshop. Johannes von Effringen, Prior of the Convent in 1347, was likely the first owner. Gerhardus, the first of the two scribes, copied multiple works of the church father Augustine: his commentary on the Psalms, the Confessions in 13 books, but also other, smaller writings, some of which are no longer ascribed with certainty to Augustine. A corrector worked through these texts and marked the improvements in a small cursive in the margin, so that the scribe could, in a further step, carefully write them neatly and erase the notes, which did not happen throughout. The text of the second, anonymous, scribe is nearly flawless and written more beautifully. It consists in a commentary on Jeremiah by Jerome, the translator of the Bible.
Online Since: 09/26/2024

This manuscript contains the homilary of Paulus Diaconus for the winter season and was written and illustrated during the 9th and 10th centuries by various St. Gall copyists. It belonged to the Charter House at Basel, to which it was presented, like B IV 26, by Pierre de la Trilline, Bishop of Lodève near Montpellier (1430-1441), who served in various capacities at the Council of Basel.
Online Since: 12/13/2013

The parchment manuscript, decorated with filigree and Lombard initials, originally belonged to the Carthusian Monastery of Mainz and reached the Carthusian Monastery of Basel via several stations. It contains Thomas Aquinas' Summa contra gentiles, written between 1259 and 1265. This manual for Christian missionaries offers philosophical arguments for Christianity and is especially designed for the conversion of Muslim and Jewish believers of other faiths; it is the only scholastic work to have been translated from Latin into Hebrew.
Online Since: 12/12/2019

This pecia manuscript produced by numerous hands contains, with minor omissions, Thomas Aquinas's Quaestiones disputatae (De malo is missing) as well as eleven Quodlibeta (no. 12 is missing, as is part of no. 8). The manuscript originated at the Dominican cloister in Basel and belonged to Johannes and Hugo von Münchenstein, both of whom were priors at the Basel cloister for a time. The pastedowns contain records of the 1440 Council of Basel.
Online Since: 12/21/2010

The Legenda aurea by the Dominican Jacobus de Voragine (about 1228-1298) is one of the most widely known spiritual collections of the Middle Ages. This 14th century manuscript from Bologna preserves it along with further legends of the saints. The codex is written in a regular Italian Gothic script and, as a matter of routine, is carefully decorated; a large lacuna in chapter 45 (legend of St. Michael) was augmented by a 15th century hand. The volume belongs to the library of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel.
Online Since: 12/20/2016

This manuscript was produced in the Upper Rhine Region and was previously owned by Hugo and Johannes Münch of Münchenstein, two priors of the Basel Dominican Convent. It is a copy of the Franciscan Nicolaus of Lyra's Postilla super Psalmos. The dating of 1323 at the end likely refers to the exemplar or to the work itself, and not to this copy. The same scribe produced another volume of Lyra's work (Basel, UB, B V 5), with the same diagnostic pen-flourished initials, with which the same artist decorated some folio volumes from the Cistercian abbey of Pairis currently in the ZHB of Lucerne (P 13 fol.:1, 3 and 4; volume 2 burned in 1513 in St. Urban), which Hugo von Tennach copied in 1338–1340 under commission from a rich canon of the collegial of Basel, Peter von Bebelnheim.
Online Since: 09/26/2024

This manuscript from the Dominican Monastery of Basel contains Quodlibeta and Quaestiones by Nicholas Trivet and Thomas Sutton, two important exponents of the Dominican School of Oxford at the end of the 13th century and the beginning of the 14th century. The thin parchment has numerous small defects as well as mended tears in some places; the sixth quire is bound incorrectly. The interior wooden boards of this formerly chained book (liber catenatus) are covered with fragments.
Online Since: 12/20/2016

This volume from the Dominican Monastery of Basel contains the second part (Macula to Zona) of the Distinctiones sacrae scripturae by Maurice O'Fihely (Mauritius Hibernicus), an alphabetical list of biblical terms along with their various meanings and interpretations. In addition, fragments from two lives of Dominic – one by Constantinus de Urbe Vetere as well as one by Theodoricus de Apolda – are inserted in the front cover or as a flyleaf.
Online Since: 06/14/2018

Composite manuscript from the Dominican Monastery of Basel, written in the 14th century by a single hand. This former liber catenatus contains a commentary on the Hohelied (Song of Songs) by Thomas Aquinas' student Giles of Rome (Ægidius Romanus, ca. 1243-1316), a commentary by the Dominican Nicolaus de Gorran (1232-ca. 1295) on the Canonical Epistles, as well as the Postilla on Ecclesiastes secondarily attributed to John of Sancto Geminiano.
Online Since: 12/20/2016

Exegetical manuscript consisting of various parts and written by a variety of hands at the end of the 13th century and the beginning of the 14th century. The volume consists of parchment of varying quality; a tear on leaf 27 is carefully sewn up with white and green silk. Especially the third part of the manuscript contains notes and corrections. This former liber catenatus is from the Dominican Monastery of Basel.
Online Since: 12/20/2016

This manuscript, written by various, difficult to distinguish copyists during the 10th century, contains the homilary of Paulus Diaconus for the winter season. It is decorated with two interesting full-page pen drawings (6r and 68v) and numerous flower-adorned initials in the St. Gall book decoration style. It belonged to the Charter House at Basel and, like B III 2, was a gift from Pierre de la Trilline, Bishop of Lodève near Montpellier (1430-1441), who served in various capacities at the Council of Basel.
Online Since: 02/17/2010

This manuscript, a collection of theological texts, from the Dominican Monastery of Basel, consists of various parts; it alone transmits the complete Latin translation of Fließenden Lichts der Gottheit by Mechthild of Magdeburg. The manuscript is remarkable not only because of its age (around or shortly before 1350), but also because of the numerous marginal notes, which reveal knowledge of the German version of the text, with which this copy of the Latin translation of Das fließende Licht was being compared.
Online Since: 12/13/2013

This parchment manuscript, perhaps produced in Basel, transmits the descriptions of the lives of the “Alemannischen Vitaspatrum” in the arrangement of a not-identified Peter der Mul. This manuscript from the third quarter of the 14th century belonged to the library of the lay brothers of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel; however, given its age, it certainly was not created there.
Online Since: 09/26/2017

The greatest part of this manuscript consists of two texts by Rudolf von Biberach – Sermones super cantica and De VII itineribus aeternitatis. They were originally created in the 14th century as two separate pieces; later they were bound together into the current volume at the Carthusian monastery of Basel, whose library owned the manuscript from the 15th century on. Still in the 14th century, a German translation of De VII gradibus contemplationis was added as a supplement to the second part. Probably only at the time of binding the manuscript was the beginning of the Abstractum-Glossars added as a last page, bound in upside down; the transcription of this text also dates from the 14th century and therefore could not have been produced at the monastery.
Online Since: 12/14/2017

This manuscript, completed in 1479 by Johannes Gipsmüller, contains the Consuetudines Ordinis Cartusiensis, collected and approved by Pope Innocent; these are the “customs” of the Carthusian monks. It also contains the Statuta antiqua and the Statuta nova, additional decisions and regulations established by the general chapter. Bound into the front of the volume is a depiction of the martyrdom of St. Barbara.
Online Since: 09/26/2017

Copied by the same hand as the Postilla super Psalmos from the same library (B IV 3), this volume, with Nicholas of Lyra's postils on New Testament texts, on the Acts of the Apostles, the Catholic Epistles, and the Apocalypse, is also decorated with pen-flourished initials in the so-called Upper-Rhine Style, and had the same previous owners, Hugo and Johannes Münch of Münchenstein, members of the Basel Dominican Convent and contemporaries of Nicholas of Lyra. Hugo, attested several times as Prior of the Convent, and Nicholas, probably both died in the same year, 1349, while Johannes, Hugo's younger brother, was still prior in 1365.
Online Since: 09/26/2024

This volume is from the library of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel; it contains the first part of the Collationes Patrum by John Cassian (360/365-432/435). It also contains assorted excerpts on the life and work of Cassian from various sources, as well as a letter on the way of life at the Abbey of Monte Cassino under abbot Desiderius (1058-1087). This manuscript was produced in Lorsch and forms a unit together with B V 14. It has supplements and signs of use up to the15th century.
Online Since: 12/14/2017

This manuscript, along with volume B V 13 together with which it forms a unit, was produced in Lorsch and later reached the Carthusian Monastery of Basel. It contains the second part of the Collationes Patrum by John Cassian (360/365-432/435), Cassian's conversations with the Desert Fathers. In comparison with B V 13, there are relatively few corrections and annotations.
Online Since: 09/26/2017

This Interpretatio evangeliorum, attributed to an Epiphanius Latinus, is a compilation of excerpts from the commentary on the gospels by Fortunatianus of Aquileia and from a collection of sermons by an Italian author from the period of late antiquity (whose name may have been Epihanius); it was compiled between the 7th and the 8th century. This manuscript from the Carthusian Monastery of Basel contains only the homiletic part (without introduction) in chapters 18-62).
Online Since: 12/14/2017

This manuscript from the Carthusian monastery of Basel, whose shelfmark was changed several times, consists of three originally independent parts. The first, homiletic, part contains a series of Sermones and interpretive Expositiones on the Gospel readings of the day. The second part consists of a treatise on the ten commandments by the Augustinian Hermit Heinrich von Friemar (1245-1340) and an anonymous commentary on the Latin version of the Physiologus Theobaldi. In the third part of the manuscript, in addition to instructions for leading a God-pleasing life, there is a dispute between angel and devil about the seven deadly sins.
Online Since: 12/14/2017

This codex contains high quality excerpts of nearly all known Latin writings by the Dominican Meister Eckhart (ca. 1260 – ca. 1328), which are available overall in no more than a dozen manuscripts. Although the scribe, who probably belonged to the circle of the Dominican Monastery of Cologne, seems to have compiled the excerpts “mechanically and without understanding” (Koch), the texts are of high quality. The manuscript was purchased in 1386 by the Westphalian priest Gottschalk Kamenschede, who later donated it to the Carthusian Monastery of Basel.
Online Since: 06/14/2018

This manuscript from the lay library of (the Carthusian Monastery of) Basel transmits two texts from the Teutonic Order: the legend in rhyme “Martina” by Hugo von Langenstein, as well as the “Littauer” by Schondoch. The “Martina” survives only in this manuscript and is considered the oldest sacred poetry of the Teutonic Order. As a third text, the codex contains the “Mainauer Naturlehre.”
Online Since: 12/14/2017

This manuscript, which has been decoratively sewn with silk thread in many places, was donated to the Carthusian Monastery of Basel in the 15th century by Johannes Obrest, chaplain of St. Martin in Basel. It contains, in addition to several short texts of pastoral and medical character, the Summa poenitentialis by the English theologian and subdean of Salisbury, Thomas of Chabham (ca. 1160-1233/36).
Online Since: 09/26/2017

This manuscript for regular use consists of four parts; it contains material for preparing sermons, including a register of sermon topics, an extensive corpus of legends and more than 100 exempla. The manuscript shows various signs of use and, on the back, it still has a title label from the Carthusian Monastery of Basel, where it was held in the 15th and 16th century.
Online Since: 12/14/2017

This small-format parchment volume from the Carthusian Monastery of Basel is composed of three originally separate fascicles. The first is decorated with three initials (1r, 53r, 58r) and contains the Stimulus dilectionis by Eckbert of Schönau along with prayers, Penitential Psalms and a Litany of the Saints. This is followed by the fragment of a prayer book, which is missing the beginning as well as the end. The third part contains a compilation from Bonaventure's Soliloquium and Hugh of St. Victor's De vanitate mundi. The heavy soiling of pp. 24-53 (Agenda defunctorum and Penitential Psalms) should be noted; it indicates intensive use of this part of the codex.
Online Since: 10/04/2018

This composite manuscript is from the library of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel; it contains the first part of the Orationes et meditationes de vita Christi by the mystic Thomas à Kempis (1379-1471), one of the most important representatives of the Devotio moderna. The script and decoration of the fascicle indicate a Dutch school. A central printed part is followed by a collection of supplications and prayers in Latin.
Online Since: 12/14/2017

This manuscript originally consisted of at least two books, as can still be seen from the separate original foliation. The first part was written in the 13th century by several very similar hands; it contains numerous sermons, among others some by Gilbertus Tornacensis and Bonaventure. The second part, written by a main hand from the 14th century, contains a vast collection of exempla of various origins. This plain manuscript belonged to the library of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel, as confirmed by numerous notes of ownership, two old title labels and various old shelfmarks.
Online Since: 12/14/2018

This small-format parchment volume contains the seven penitential psalms as well as three more psalms in Hebrew. It was owned by the Amerbach family and later probably passed into the hands of Johann Buxtorf (the elder?). The manuscript is decorated in a restrained manner with ornamental initials and pen sketches in the blank spaces; the text is vocalized.
Online Since: 12/12/2019

This small-format manuscript in Latin is from the Carthusian monastery of Basel; in particular, it treats the Passion of Christ. The devotional image on the front pastedown takes up this topic, as do the texts, which are by, among others, Ludolph of Saxony, Bonaventure and Eckbert of Schönau. The manuscript's first text, a long devotional text De vita et passione Iesu Christi, may have been written by Heinrich Arnoldi, Carthusian of Basel.
Online Since: 12/14/2017

This small-format parchment manuscript is known as the “Basler Liederhandschrift”; it transmits German and Latin texts in verse and prose, which are primarily spiritual in character and in part are supplemented with musical notation. Among them are texts by Konrad of Würzburg and Walther von der Vogelweide, among others. This manuscript was written around 1300; in the 15th century it was in the Carthusian Monastery of Basel, and in the 17th century it was the property of Remigius Fäsch, a collector from Basel.
Online Since: 12/14/2017

This small-format parchment manuscript is from the Carthusian Monastery of Basel, where it was completed in 1478 by the scribe Johannes Gipsmüller. The numerous devotional texts on various female saints have mostly been passed down anonymously; some – such as those on Margareta, the patron saint of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel – can probably be attributed to Heinrich Arnoldi. The codex is decorated with full-page illustrations of saints treated in the text as well as numerous initials, the latter in a variety of styles.
Online Since: 12/10/2020

This small-format composite manuscript contains numerous pieces of mysticism, such as sermons, treatises (excerpts), instructions and sayings by, among others, Meister Eckhart, Heinrich von Ekkewint and Johannes von Sterngassen. The volume was written by two different hands; the first of these complains in red ink on f. 379r that anyone unable to write could have no idea how torturous such work is. A note of ownership by abbey librarian Georg Carpentarius (around 1487-1531) and the old shelfmark E xxvi associates the manuscript with the library of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel. As most of the German-language manuscripts at the monastery, it was part of the lay brothers' library.
Online Since: 10/10/2019

This small-format composite manuscript is decorated simply; it is from the Carthusian Monastery of Basel, probably from the library of the lay brothers. It is written in various 15th century hands and contains Penitential Psalms, meditations, liturgical texts, a spiritual treatise, prayers and poems to Mary; judging by the signs of wear, the manuscript was used intensively.
Online Since: 06/14/2018

This composite volume, originally composed of ten fascicles, was at least partly written in the Carthusian Monastery of Basel. One of the writers is Hans Lesser, a brother from St. Gallen. The small-format manuscript was part of the library of the lay brothers of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel and contains various German-language prayers and devotional texts, some of which refer explicitly to the lay brothers of the Carthusian Monastery.
Online Since: 12/12/2019

This small-format manuscript from the Carthusian Monastery of Basel contains prayers to and about the saints and martyrs Margaret of Antioch, Barbara of Nicomedia and Catherine of Alexandria. The Meditationes were composed by the Carthusian Henricus Arnoldi of Basel; the small-format manuscript was written by his fellow monk Johannes Gipsmüller.
Online Since: 06/14/2018

The first part of this composite manuscript from the Carthusian Monastery of Basel contains Aristotle's writing on the soul, De anima, in William of Moerbeke's translation, copied in Paris in 1459 by the scholar Johannes Heynlin. The main text, decorated with artistic initials with gold leaf as well as fleuronné initials, is closely surrounded by commentary in marginal and interlinear glosses, written in a small, compact semi-Gothic script. Bound into this volume as the second part is Aristotle's De animalibus, printed in Venice in 1476; this text's uncharacteristic lack of decoration at least raises the question of whether it was also part of Heynlin's library.
Online Since: 06/25/2015

This legal manuscript was owned by the Basel jurist Arnold Zum Luft (1453-1517). The manuscript was produced in Bologna in the second half of the 13th century and contains the Digestum vetus, the first part of the tradition regarding existing laws, dating from late antiquity, together with the explanatory glosses compiled by Franciscus Accursius. In addition to Arabic and Roman numerals, the manuscript also presents a vigesimal numeral system.
Online Since: 09/26/2017

Like C I 1, this 14th century legal manuscript was produced in Bologna and was owned by Arnold Zum Luft (1453-1517). It contains the Digestum novum with Accursius' glosses, i.e., the fourth and last part of the corpus of the Digest of ancient Roman legal literature. The manuscript is richly decorated with title miniatures and figure initials.
Online Since: 09/26/2017

This manuscript, written by several Northern Italian hands, contains the Lectura super codicem by the legal scholar Guilelmus de Cugno or Cuneo, who gave lectures in Toulouse in 1316-1317. The original must have been divided into quires, at least there are annotations in the manuscript that are similar to those of the pecia system. In 1383, this volume was owned by a converted Jew in Trier; later it became part of the library of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel.
Online Since: 06/14/2018

This 14th century parchment manuscript contains the commentaries of the legal expert and canonist Johannes Andreae (around 1270-1348) on the Liber Sextus Decretalium Bonifacii, the third part of the Corpus iuris canonici. The volume came into the possession of the Carthusian monastery of Basel during the Council (1431-1449).
Online Since: 09/26/2017

Canonistic manuscript with Dominicus de Sancto Geminiano's Lectura super librum sextum Decretalium. This volume was written in 1439 by Johannes Berwenstein for Peter Zum Luft, who was teaching at the university of the Council of Basel and who later left his extensive book collection to his nephew Arnold Zum Luft.
Online Since: 09/26/2017

This manuscript from the second quarter of the 15th century contains the Lectura super Clementinas by Johannes de Imola; it is from the extensive library of the Basel jurist Arnold Zum Luft (1453-1517). This volume, originally a catenatus, contains initials by the same hand as in C I 21.
Online Since: 09/26/2017

For efficiency, writings of law and canon law were often copied using the pecia system, where a model was divided into quires and distributed to several copyists. In the same manner, this commentary on the decretals by ”Abbas antiquus“, only later identified as Bernardus de Montemirato, was created in three pieces. The sparingly decorated manuscript is written in a littera bononiensis and was owned by the library of the Carthusian monastery of Basel.
Online Since: 12/14/2017

From 1470 until 1475, Jakob Lauber, later the head of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel and its richly endowed library, attended lectures by the famous decretist Peter Andlau at the newly founded University of Basel; this is attested by his lecture notes on the Conclusiones Clementinarum and the Liber sextus of Boniface VIII from the year 1471.
Online Since: 03/19/2015

This manuscript, a composite manuscript of legal content, has as its main text the Summa super rubricis decretalium by the Italian legal scholar Godefridus de Trano (deceased 1245). This is a textbook on the Compilation of Decretals commissioned by Pope Gregory IX, which was widely distributed. The text is decorated with five small figure initials, probably of French origin.
Online Since: 03/22/2018

Not without entering into competition with the curial judiciary authority did the Council of Basel (1431-1449) demand conciliar judicial authority patterned on the Roman Rota. The tried cases were recorded by notaries of the Rota, as in this manuscript written by Johannes Wydenroyd in the period between 15 March 1435 and 13 June 1439. This manuscript is the middle volume of three remaining Rota manuals from the Council of Basel.
Online Since: 06/25/2015

This incomplete liturgical psalter was made between 1335 and 1350 in Naples. The unusual decorations are the work of the artist Christoforo Orimina. Because the manuscript contains three different coats of arms, the original owner (a member of the Angevin court in Naples) can not be definitively named. After changing hands many times during the 19th and 20th centuries, the manuscript was acquired in 1968 by the owner of the collection "Comites Latentes" ("Hidden Friends") held by the Bibliothèque de Genève.
Online Since: 12/09/2008

This elegant pocket-size book of hours was illuminated in Tours around 1480 by the Maître des camaïeux d'or Le Bigot, who was active in the circle of the painter Jean Bourdichon. The sixteen tiny historiated initials in camaïeu d'or that are contained in the manuscript succeed the usual repertoire with an original cycle dedicated to the seven days of Creation. The artist demonstrates his exceptional technical mastery by lending the body of the initials an especially attractive evanescent character. The subtle arrangement of the surrounding letters should invite the anonymous patron to appreciate the meticulous combination of gold and colors in detail.
Online Since: 12/14/2018

This precious book of hours was made in Florence around 1470-1480. Its rich and elegant illumination is due to the close circle of the most famous florentine miniaturist of his time, Francesco d'Antonio del Chierico. The same hand is responsible for the major illuminations at the beginning of the various sections as well the initials in the text. The flourished initials are of great elegance. A partly erased coat of arms on the opening leaf indicates that the book of hours was made for the wedding of a male member of the Serristori family. The manuscript entered in the collection of the present owner in 1970 and it was deposited at the Bibliothèque de Genève as part of Comites Latentes.
Online Since: 06/23/2014

This handwritten Haggadah Comites Latentes 69 was created in Vienna in 1756. It is decorated with black ink and masterfully imitates copper engraving. The author is the famous scribe and illustrator Simmel ben Moses from Polna (active between 1714 and 1756), who produced about thirty dated manuscripts that have survived until today, of which, however, only 17, including CL 69, are autographs. His works of art are among the most remarkable examples of Hebrew manuscript decoration in 18th century Central Europe. The Song of Solomon, copied by later hands, concludes this magnificent manuscript.
Online Since: 06/22/2017

This manuscript is a hagiographic compilation in French prose which recounts the lives of the apostles, martyrs, confessors and saints. Some of the accounts are attributed to Wauchier de Denain. The manuscript is dated to the first quarter of the 14th century; it was decorated by the Papeleu Master and the illuminator Mahiet and notably contains more than eighty historiated initials.
Online Since: 03/17/2016

This richly decorated book of hours was illuminated in Tours in about 1500, for an owner from Toulouse. In the 15th century, the city of Tours and the Loire valley region were home to the court of the kings of France. This manuscript is closely connected to that glorious past era. The name of court painter Jean Bourdichon (ca. 1457-1521) is associated with two of the miniatures in this book of hours. The other 35 miniatures were painted by three book painters from the atelier of Jean Poyer (+ before 1504), also well-established in Tours.
Online Since: 07/04/2012

The greater part of the manuscript (pp. 21-598) is a compendium by Joseph b. Elijah Tirshom titled Sefer Shoshan Yesod Olam that includes 2174 numbered paragraphs, containing, inter alia, a book of magic called Harba de-Moshe (Sword of Moses) and other texts. Copied in the Ottoman empire in a 15th century Byzantine script with additions in later hands.
Online Since: 06/09/2011

One of the earliest manuscript exemplars of the version of the Tanhuma midrash text known among scholars as the "printed text" (first printed in Constantinople, 1520-22), as distinguished from the version first edited and printed by Solomon Buber in Vilnius, 1885. Copied probably somewhere in the Orient around the 14th century, the Hebrewscript is Oriental semi-cursive.
Online Since: 12/13/2013

This legal manuscript with the title Sefer Ḥokhmat Nashim is part of a vernacular literary genre for women that was widely read in Ashkenazic and Italian communities since the Renaissance. This manual of prescriptions in Judeo-Italian is said to have been copied by the famous Italian kabbalist and preacher Mordechai ben Juda Dato during the second half of the 16th century.
Online Since: 09/26/2017

This text contains an adaptation of several narrative parts of the Bible in Old French. The poem in alexandrine verse (en laisses d'alexandrins) was composed in the 12th century by an author of the continent and became one of the most successful religious works in Old French. This manuscript preserves one of the oldest and most complete exemplars of this work; it is the only one to contain almost the entire text from the Anglo-Norman branch of the text tradition. Because the text probably is of insular origin, this manuscript proves the almost simultaneous dissemination of the text in England.
Online Since: 06/23/2014

This volume is a collection of letters, made in 1467 and 1468 in Naples for Roberto da Sanseverino, Prince of Salerno, contains letters by Diogenes of Sinope, Brutus and Hippocrates, who were regarded during the middle ages as the true authors of these letters. They were translated into Latin by Francesco Griffolini Aretino and Ranuccio of Arezzo. This book was presented for sale several times during the 20th century and passed through the hands of prestigious collectors.
Online Since: 04/15/2010

This rare Judeo-Arabic fragment is from the Kitab al-Hidaya ila Faraiḍ al-Qulub (Guide to the Duties of the Heart ) by Baḥya ben Joseph Ibn Paquda (2nd half of the 11th century). This work is of fundamental importance since it sets out the first Jewish system of ethics. The manuscript tradition of this Judeo-Arabic work is quite fragmentary because few textual witnesses remain today.
Online Since: 09/26/2017

This volume, written in littera parisiensis in the middle of the 13th century, contains Avicenna's De anima in a translation by John of Seville, as well as parts from the Metaphysica, translated by Dominicus Gundissalinus. It also contains the first two books from part 2 of Al-Gazali's libri metaphysicae et physicae, also in a translation by Dominicus Gundissalinus. This manuscript came to the Carthusian Monastery of Basel as part of the book collection of Johannes Heynlin, who had purchased the manuscript in 1461.
Online Since: 12/14/2018

This manuscript contains the Floretum medicinae, a work of medical excerpts, divided into 25 books. The origin and the author of the work are unknown. This manuscript was held in the library of the Carthusian Monastery of Basel in the area of shelfmark A of the Bibliotheca antiqua. In addition to the Artes liberales, this shelfmark area also contained philosophy and medicine.
Online Since: 10/04/2018

Manuscript D III 34 consists of two parts: Part I (ff. 1-29) contains the medical manual for horses by Jordanus Ruffus: Part II (ff. 30-255) contains the Mulomedicina Chironis and an incomplete tract by one Oliverius, Stablemaster at the court of Ferdinand I of Naples. This is the only manuscript than Cod. Monacensis latinus 243 that includes a manuscript copy of the Mulomedicina Chironis; the Oliverius tract appears to be unedited.
Online Since: 03/31/2011

The core of this manuscript from the Carthusian Monastery of Basel is a copy of the Flores temporum, a Latin world chronicle from the 13th century that was widely used in Alemannic areas. The copyist, Nicolaus Gerung de Blauenstein, supplemented this chronicle with a self-written, partly German appendix on events from the region around Basel as well as a chronicle of the Basel bishops. Shorter texts such as treatises on councils or on the Carthusian order and lists of emperors, cathedrals, kingdoms and languages in various parts of the world round off the collection.
Online Since: 12/12/2019

This manuscript from the first half of the 15th century contains the German Chronicle of Jakob Twinger von Königshofen (Chap. 6, 1-5), the Rötteln Chronicle, and the Libellus de magnificentia ducis Burgundia in Treveris visa conscriptus (German). It served as model for the University Library Basel's manuscript E I 1h. Later it was the property of the Amerbach family.
Online Since: 06/13/2019

This codex, which consists of several parts, contains primarily decrees, bulls, letters and decisions related to the Council of Basel (1431-1448), by various hands in Latin and German. Later hands added occasional notes, corrections and additions. Historiographic information is included with the so-called “Grössere Basler Annalen” and Latinized excerpts from the Rötteln Chronicle and the German Chronicle of Jakob Twinger von Königshofen. This manuscript came from the Carthusian Monastery of Basel and then became part of the holdings of the Basel University Library.
Online Since: 10/10/2019

Ten illustrated leaves with the second part of the prophecies about the popes from Boniface IX to Eugene IV. These pages were created at the time of the Council of Basel; originally they were part of a composite manuscript from the Carthusian Monastery of Basel, with Council documents. The expressive pen and ink drawings suggest the influence of the Basel workshop of Konrad Witz, one of the most important painters in the Upper Rhine region during the late Gothic period.
Online Since: 12/14/2017

This manuscript, although incomplete due to leaf loss, contains the Alexander novel by the German-Bohemian poet Ulrich von Etzenbach (c. 13th century). The text was written in 1322, presumably in Bavaria or Austria judging by the dialect characteristics. The elaborate decoration with initials at the beginning of the individual books shows Upper Rhine characteristics as they also appear in Lower Austria at the beginning of the 14th century. In the margins, there are numerous 19th century explanations of words as well as annotations by Johann Jakob Spreng (1699-1768), who copied the manuscript in the 18th century.
Online Since: 12/12/2019

This manuscript from the first half of the 15th century contains the German Chronicle by Jakob Twinger von Königshofen (chap. 1-3, 5) and the Anonymous Bernese Chronicle (truncated due to loss of pages). Both texts are preceded by a comprehensive table of contents. The manuscript later was the property of the Amerbach family.
Online Since: 12/14/2018