Supporting Institutions

swissuniversities, the Rectors’ Conference of Swiss Institutions of Higher Education, works to strengthen and enhance collaboration among Swiss institutions of higher education and promotes a common voice on educational issues in Switzerland. The program „Scientific information: Access, processing and safeguarding“ (P-2 : 2013-2016 und P-5 : 2017-2020) supports the coordination of currently distributed efforts of higher education institutions with regards to the publication and processing of scientific information.
Support of subprojects: Autographs of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Codices Fuldenses Helvetiae , Center of Competence for Swiss manuscripts and digital manuscript research, Call for Collaboration 2013, Web application e-codices v. 2.0.

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation endeavors to strengthen, promote, and, where necessary, defend the contributions of the humanities and the arts to human flourishing and to the well-being of diverse and democratic societies. To this end, it supports exemplary institutions of higher education and culture as they renew and provide access to an invaluable heritage of ambitious, path-breaking work. The Foundation makes grants in five core program areas: Higher Education and Scholarship in the Humanities; Arts and Cultural Heritage; Diversity; Scholarly Communications; and International Higher Education and Strategic Projects.
Support of subprojects: Another thirty medieval manuscripts from the Abbey Library of St. Gall, Mellon 2011-2012 , Collaborative Projects, The Virtual Abbey Library of Saint Gall , Codices Augienses et Sangallenses dispersi.

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation is one of the world’s leading international philanthropic organizations, making grants in the areas of arts and culture, education, health and medicine, and social welfare. The Foundation funds organizations and projects that exhibit strong leadership and sound management and are expected to achieve a broad, lasting and positive social impact. The Foundation also seeks actively to support projects that facilitate the formation of public-private partnerships as effective means for serving public welfare.
Support of subprojects: Frowin's Library, Greek Sources in Swiss Libraries , Planning meeting "Fragmentarium". enables users to search the holdings of Swiss university libraries and academic institutions. It also offers comprehensive services and useful tools for working in an academic context.
Support of subproject: Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland.

The Research Fund for the centennial of the University of Fribourg has as its goal to further scientific research at the University of Fribourg in general and to support specific research projects which contribute to the intellectual reputation of the university.
Support of subproject: Pilot Project: Digital Abbey Library of St. Gall.

Research funding, international cooperation, as well as the promotion of junior academic staff – since its founding in the year 1946, these are the main objectives of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, and recently it has expanded its area of operation. The Academy is a federally recognized institution for research funding; it is committed to three central domains for the humanities and social sciences: networking, promoting and communicating.
Support of the Curatorium CeCH.

The Society for the Lottery of French-speaking Switzerland is an association legally governed by articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code. The society’s goal is to organize and make use of, within legal limits, lotteries and gambling with prizes in cash or in kind, and to designate the net profits therefrom to institutions for the public good – social, cultural, research oriented or athletic – that benefit the French-speaking cantons of Switzerland.
Support of subprojects: Fondation Martin Bodmer on e-codices II, Fondation Martin Bodmer on e-codices I.

Financing of associate companies as well as support and funding for cultural, economic and social institutions.
Support of subprojects: e-sequence, St. Gall's Music Manuscripts , Pilot Project: Digital Abbey Library of St. Gall.

The association supports the Abbey Library and the heritage that has been entrusted to it. For this purpose, the association can finance acquisitions and projects.
Support of subprojects: St. Gall's Treasure Trove of Monuments to the Old High German Language, Pilot Project: Digital Abbey Library of St. Gall .

The Office for the Promotion of Culture of the Canton of St. Gallen is also responsible for awarding contributions from the Lottery fund. Alongside cultural projects, the Lottery Fund also supports projects in the following areas: social affairs, education, health, nature, environment and development assistance.
Support of subprojects: Another thirty medieval manuscripts from the Abbey Library of St. Gall, St. Gall's Cultural Assets from Zurich .

The Catholic church membership of the Canton of St. Gallen provides a broad range of services for the good of society. Special priorities are the areas of education, culture, social affairs and pastoral care. It makes a significant contribution to public welfare.
Support of subproject: St. Gall's Cultural Assets from Zurich.

The Sophie and Karl Binding Foundation is a non-profit charitable foundation; it is politically and religiously independent. The foundation supports projects throughout Switzerland in the areas of the environment, social affairs, and education and culture.
Support of subproject: Swiss Illustrated Chronicles.

The Accentus Foundation is an umbrella foundation based in Zurich and devoted solely to charitable purposes. It supports and encourages social, charitable, ecological, cultural and other philanthropic projects. It has no political or religious affiliation.
Support of subproject: e-sequence.

Groupe E joined with the Cantonal Bank of Fribourg, the Cantonal Building Insurance and the Public Transport of Fribourg in order to support large athletic or cultural projects. The 4 pillars of Fribourg’s economy are committed to supporting cultural and social development in the Canton of Fribourg and neighboring regions. Special support will go to projects benefiting young people.
Support of subproject: Digitization of the Antiphonaries of the Chapter of St. Nicolas, Fribourg.

The UBS Culture Foundation sees and understands itself as a constituent part of society with the task of reflecting on continuity and change in politics, economics, science and the media from the perspective of cultural and artistic creativity and productivity.
Support of subproject: Pilot Project: Digital Abbey Library of St. Gall.

The Jubilee Foundation supports science and research; artistic projects such as exhibitions, theater, film and concerts; as well as general preservation of cultural assets such as the rehabilitation and renovation of buildings of historical value. The foundation’s support consists of financial contributions to institutions, groups of persons or individuals who are active in these areas in Switzerland.
Support of subproject: Pilot Project: Digital Abbey Library of St. Gall.

Through the Z Zurich Foundation, Zurich is making a long-term contribution to the well-being of our society. Thanks to its long-term support for selected organizations and responsible management of available funding, the foundation generates maximum value for humanity and the environment.
Support of subproject: Pilot Project: Digital Abbey Library of St. Gall.
Creation of and support for charitable works of all kinds. The foundation can also make donations to benefit animals and zoological gardens.
Support of subproject: Pilot Project: Digital Abbey Library of St. Gall.

The objective of the Otto Gamma Foundation is to organize donations for charitable purposes in the cantons of Zurich, Uri, and the rest of Switzerland.
Support of subproject: Pilot Project: Digital Abbey Library of St. Gall.