Für diese Handschrift sind folgende Beschreibungen vorhanden

  • Scarpatetti Beat Matthias von, Die Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen, Bd. 1: Abt. IV: Codices 547-669: Hagiographica, Historica, Geographica, 8.-18. Jahrhundert, Wiesbaden 2003, S. 87-90.
    Standardbeschreibung anzeigen
  • Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek St.Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 187.
    Zusätzliche Beschreibung anzeigen
  • UCLA Reichenau-St. Gall Virtual Library
    (Zusätzliche Beschreibung, momentan angezeigt)
St. Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 575
Handschriftentitel: Cassianus, Conlationum pars tertia
Entstehungsort: St. Gallen
Entstehungszeit: s. ix, 1/2 (Scarpatetti)
Beschreibstoff: Parchment
Umfang: 86 leaves (numbered pp. 1-172)
Format: 335-345 x 247-275 mm
Lagenstruktur: pp. 1-14 = I8 (wants 1), pp. 15-22 = II4, pp. 23-134 = III-IX8, pp. 135-148 = X8 (wants 6), pp. 149-162 = XI8 (wants 4), pp. 163-172 = XII6 (wants 1). (Foliation derived from Scarpatetti's description.)
Seiteneinrichtung: 2 columns of 28 (pp. 1-148) and 29 (pp. 149-72) lines (written space: 245 x 75-80 mm).
Schrift und Hände: Multiple hands writing a praecarolina script of the early 9th century. (Scarpatetti)
Spätere Ergänzungen: In addition to the single leaf lost from what is currently the first quire, in seems as though a full quire (of approx. 6 leaves, enough to hold the first twelve chapters of conf. XVIII) has been lost from the beginning of the MS. It seems as though another full quire was lost after p. 148, creating a large lacuna at the end of conf. XXIII and beginning of XXIV. In addition, single leaves have been lost after pp. 146, 153, and 162, leaving further gaps the text of confs. XXIII and XXIV. A late medieval annotator has made note of these lacunae.
  • 1. p. 1-172 Iohannes Cassianus: Conlationes patrum XVIII.xiii.3-XXIV [peni]tus detrimenti ex illa tam uiolenta conlisione sensisse …–… nunc ad tutissimum siletii portum spiritalis orationum uerbarum aura comitetur. >Explicit abbatis abrahae conla[tio] VII de mortificatione<
    • 1_1. (p. 1-13) Conlatio abbatis Piamun de tribus generibus monachorum [= Conlatio XVIII, ch. xiii, sent. 3-end) (begins defectively) [peni]tus detrimenti ex illa tam uiolenta conlisione sensisse
    • 1_2. (p. 13-14) Capitula conlationis undeuicesimae >Incipiunt capitula abbatis iohannis de fine coenobiotae et haeremitae.< I. De coenobio abbatis pauli et patientia cuiusdam fratris
    • 1_3. (p. 14-28) Conlatio abbatis Iohannis de fine coenobiotae et heremitae [= Conlatio XIX] >Incipit abbatis iohannis de fine coenobiotae et heremitae conlatio II.< Post dies admodum paucos maioris doctrinae desiderio pertrahente
    • 1_4. (p. 28-29) Capitula conlationis uicesimae >Incipiunt capitula conlationis abbatis pinuphii de paenitentiae fine et satisfactionis indicio.< I. De abbatis pinuphii humilitate et eiusdem latebra
    • 1_5. (p. 29-49) Conlatio abbatis Pinuphii de paenitentiae fine et satisfactionis indicio [= Conlatio XX] >Incipit conlatio III abbatis pinuphii de penitentiae fine. Incipit conlatio III abbatis pinuphii de penitentiae fine et satisfactionis indicio.< Praeclari ac singularis uiri abbatis pinuphii de fine paenitentiae praecepta dicturus magnam materiae partem mihi uideor amputare
    • 1_6. (p. 49-85) Capitula conlationis uicesimae primae >Incipit abbatis theoneae de remissione quinquagensime.< I. Quomodo theonas ad abbatem iohannem uenerit
    • 1_7. (p. 49-85) Conlatio abbatis Theonae de remissione quinquagensime [= Conlatio XXI] >Incipit conlatio IIII de eodem.< Priusquam uerba conlationis huiusce habita cum summo uiro abbate theona incipiamus euoluere
    • 1_8. (p. 85-86) Capitula conlationis uicesimae secundae >Incipiunt eiusdem de nocturnis inlusionibus capitula.< I. De iterato ad abbatem theonam reditu nostro eiusque exhortatione
    • 1_9. (p. 86-113) Conlatio abbatis Theonae de nocturnis inlusionibus [= Conlatio XXII] >Incipit conlatio abbatis theonae de nocturnis inlusionibus conlatio V.< Post dies ferme septem quinquagensimae sollemnitate transacta
    • 1_10. (p. 113-114) Capitula conlationis uicesimae tertiae >Incipiunt capitula eiusdem de tertia conlatione.< I. Disputatio abbatis theonae de eo quod apostolus dicit non enim quod uolo facio bonum
    • 1_11. (p. 114-148) Conlatio abbatis Theonae tertia de anamarteto [= Conlatio XXIII] >Incipit collatio tertia abbatis theonae de anemarteto collatio VI.< Reuersa igitur luce cum ad perscrutandam abyssum apostolicae quaestionis … A leaf has been lost after p. 146, leaving a gap in the text from “repente cognouit cum enim ait uae ” (Petschenig 666.2) to “consequi se posse diffidunt” (Petschenig 667.23). In addition, this conference breaks off defectively at “peruenerit puri[tatem] ” (Petschenig 669.14); in the lower margin on p. 148, a 15th-c. annotator has added “Hic est defectus in quaterno ut estimo”. The text picks up again in ch. ix of the following conference.
    • 1_12. (p. 149-172) Conlatio abbatis Abrahae de mortificatione [= Conlatio XXIV] relaxari ut ne breuissimi quidem momenti inducias pro patris indulserit sepultura ” (Petschenig 683.27) … A leaf has been lost after p. 153, leaving a gap in the text from “quaestuosissima conuersatione” (Petschenig 689.16) to “ aut επιθυμητικον idem” (Petschenig 691.14); another leaf has been lost after p. 162 (leaving a gap in the text from “noxias abscidentes ” (Petschenig 698.19) to “ ab itinere regio” (Petschenig 702.14).
    Index Reference Number
    • CPL 512
    • Iohannnes Cassianus. Conlationes patrum XXIIII, ed. Michael Petschenig (CSEL 13). Vienna: Gerold, 1886, p. 520-711. Google Books
    • John Cassian. The Conferences, trans. B. Ramsey (Ancient Christian Writers 57). New York: Paulist Press, 1997, p. 645-852.
    • For further bibliography, see: IMB and LexMA
Entstehung der Handschrift: St. Gallen; possibly the copy mentioned in the 9th-c. booklist in CSG 728 (p. 14, first item).
Codicological Bibliography
  • Scarpatetti, Beat Matthias von. Die Handschriften der Stiftsbibiliothek St. Gallen(Vol. 1.4). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2003, p. 87-90.
  • Scherrer, Gustav. Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibiliothek von St. Gallen Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1875, p. 187. Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen