Für diese Handschrift sind folgende Beschreibungen vorhanden

  • Euw Anton von, Die St. Galler Buchkunst vom 8. bis zum Ende des 11. Jahrhunderts, Band I: Textband, St. Gallen 2008 (Monasterium Sancti Galli, Bd. 3), S. 371, Nr. 73.
    Standardbeschreibung anzeigen
  • Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 75-76.
    Zusätzliche Beschreibung anzeigen
  • UCLA Reichenau-St. Gall Virtual Library
    (Zusätzliche Beschreibung, momentan angezeigt)
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 208
Handschriftentitel: Gregorius [papa I.], Moralium pars quinta
Entstehungsort: St. Gallen
Entstehungszeit: AD 872-883 (Abbacy of Hartmut)
Beschreibstoff: Parchment
Umfang: 137 leaves (pp. 5-278; there are no leaves numbered pp. 1-2 and 3-4)
Format: 35.5 x 27.0 cm
Lagenstruktur: Pp. 5-84 = "a-e" [I-V]8, pp. 85-104 = "f" [VI]10, pp. 105-168 = "g-k" [VII-X]8, pp. 169-186 = (unsigned) [X]10 (wants 3), pp. 187-218 = "m-n" [XI-XII]8, pp. 219-238 = "o" [XIII]10, pp. 239-250 = "p" [XIV]6, pp. 251-266 = "q" [XV]8, pp. 267-278 = “r” [XVI]6. [Provisional foliation by JAW on the basis of the images; the lowercase letters in quotation marks are the original quire signatures still visible in the manuscript, while the Roman numerals are quire numbers assigned by JAW.]
Seiteneinrichtung: Two columns of 28 lines (250 x 205 mm (Bruckner)).
Schrift und Hände: Probably two hands writing Caroline minuscule, with rubrics in rustic capitals. (Euw)
Einband: Bound in boards covered with unadorned leather, without visible bands on the spine, and on the fore-edge two leather closure-straps which appear to be later replacements. A parchment contents-slip (s. xv, according to Bruckner) pasted on front cover reads: Libri quinque sancti Gregorii pape moralium explanationum in Iob a uigisimno tercio usque ad uigisimum septimum.
  • 1. p. 6-278 Gregorius [papa I.]: Moralia in Iob XXIII-XXVII In hoc uolumine continentur libri V sancti gregorii papae moralium explantionum in iob a uigisimo tertio usque ad uigisimum septimum. Praefationem huius operis totiens necessario repeto quotiens huic in distinctione voluminum locutionis mae pausatione succedo …–… ad huc si comorum non inuenerunt. Item subsequens liber incipit respondens autem dominus iob de turbine dixit quis est qui inuoluens.
    Index Reference Number
    • CPL 1708
    • Gregorius Magnus. Moralia in Iob, ed. M. Adriaen (CCSL 143B). Turnhout: Brepols, 1979, p. 1143-1393.
    • Sanctus Gregorius Magnus. Moralium libri, sive Expositio in librum B. Job. PL 76: 449B-446B. Google Books
    • Gregory the Great. Morals on the Book of Job (A Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church 23). Oxford: John Henry Parker, 1847, p. 1-259. Google Books
    For further bibliography, see: IMB and LexMA
Entstehung der Handschrift: St. Gallen; probably volume five of the six-volume set referenced by an addition to the 9th-c. booklist in CSG 728 (p. 6, line 13).
Codicological Bibliography
  • Bruckner, Albert. Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica (Vol. 3). Geneva: Roto-Sadag, 1938, p. 83.
  • Euw, Anton von. Die St. Galler Buchkunst vom 8. bis zum Ende des 11. Jahrhunderts (Vol. 2). St. Gallen: Verlag am Klosterhof, 2009, p. 371.
  • Scherrer, Gustav. Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibiliothek von St. Gallen. Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1875, p. 75-76. Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen