St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1513, p. 26 – <i>Confessio fidei Armenicæ ecclesiæ</i> auf Armenisch und Lateinisch
Kurzcharakterisierung:Die Handschrift wurde 1775 von Fr. Romano (Romanus) Fromenwiller für den Fürstabt Beda Angehrn aus St. Gallen kopiert, höchstwahrscheinlich im Kloster St. Gallen. Es handelt sich um eine gekürzte Abschrift der zwei Teile des Buches Thesaurus linguæ Armenicæ (Արամեան լեզուին գանձ), das 1711 in Amsterdam von Joachim Schröder publiziert wurde. Hauptinhalt der Handschrift ist die Ecclesiæ armenicæ confessio (Teil 3 des Thesaurus linguæ Armenicæ), gefolgt von einer alphabetischen Übersicht. Diese ist begleitet von einer Transkription der armenischen Buchstaben in lateinische Zeichen, kopiert aus Teil 2 des Theasaurus linguæ Armenicæ.(gri)
Zusätzliche Beschreibung: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 491.
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Online seit: 26.09.2017
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1513
Papier · XLV + 131 pp. · 34 x 16.5 cm · Kloster St. Gallen · 1775
<i>Confessio fidei Armenicæ ecclesiæ</i> auf Armenisch und Lateinisch
Wie zitieren:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1513, p. 26 – <i>Confessio fidei Armenicæ ecclesiæ</i> auf Armenisch und Lateinisch (
Seitennummerierung: The pagination of the manuscript’s main content appears at the upper corners, 1-118. Before the main content, there is a later pagination with pencil, I-XLV.
Zustand: Good. The edges of the binding are slightly scuffed, but the binding is in an overall good condition. The folios are complete, in fine and clean condition.
single column,
34 x 16.5 cm
Schrift und Hände: written by Fr. Romano (Romanus) Fromenwiler
The decoration on page 123 comprises legend “Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus,” which is a citation from the Chapter 57 of the Benedictine Rule (see: The Rule of Our Most Holy Father St. Benedict, Patriarch of Monks, from the Old English edition of 1638 (London, R. Washbourne, 1875), 234).
On page V, there is a full-page depiction of the coat of arms of Beda Angehrn, the Prince-Abbot of Saint Gall (Compare with: Archives héraldiques suisses – Schweizer Archiv für Heraldik (Zurich: Imprimerie Schulthess & Co., 1916), 151-152, Figs. 119-120).
Colors: black.
Einband: Red leather richly decorated with golden flower decorations. The spine decoration comprises seven gilt parts that are formed while binding the gatherings on the spine side. The head, the tail and the foredge are partially painted blue, accompanied with ornamental patterns. The front and back gilt endpapers are decorated with flowered engravings.
Title page 1:
Ecclesiæ Armenicæ Confessio Fidei Catholica ad Gramaticæ Doctrinalis Intelligentiam per Analysim et Annotationes Explicata.
Title page 2:
Celsissime, ac Reverend[issi]mo S. R. I. Principi, Domino Domino BEDÆ Exemptorum, ac Sedi Apostolicæ im[m]ediatè subjectoru[m] Monasteriorum S. Galli & Joannis in Valle Thuræ ABBATI Comiti in Doggenburg Regii Ordinis An[n]untiatæ Virginis EQUITI in Sanctissimi Patris nostri Galli festivitate. Abs devote Filio Fratre Juniore Romano Fromenwiler. Dedicata 1775.
XI-XXIIICelsissime Princeps Reverend[issi]me Pater, Domine Domine Gratios[issi]me
(Dedication by the scribe).
XXXVI-XLVԴավանութիւն հաւատոյ եկեղեցեաց Հայաստանեայց ս(ուր)բ – Confessio fidei armenicæ ecclesiæ sanctæ
(each word in the title is written on a separate page).
Confessio fidei Armenicæ ecclesiæ
(in Armenian and Latin, accompanied with analysis). Compare with: Joachim Schröder, Thesaurus linguæ Armenicæ, Antiquæ et hodiernæ, Cum varia Praxios materia, cujus elenchum sequens pagella exhibet (Amstelodami 1711), Part 3: Confessio Ecclesiæ Armenicæ Latine reddita ,& necessariis notis illustrata, 251-254.
Խոստովանիմք եւ հաւատամք … – Confitemur et credimus.
Հաւատամք զՏէրն մեր Յիսուս Քրիստոս նովին մարմնովն համբարձեալ յերկինս … – Credimus Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum eodem corpore sublatum esse in coelos.
119-123Figuræ XXXVIII litterarū linguæ armenicæ
(38 letters of the Armenian alphabet, accompanied by a transliteration into Latin characters). Compare with: Joachim Schröder, Thesaurus linguæ Armenicæ, Antiquæ et hodiernæ, Cum varia Praxios materia, cujus elenchum sequens pagella exhibet (Amstelodami 1711), Part 2: Grammatica & Prosodia Antiquæ Linguæ, 1-4.
Entstehung der Handschrift: written by Fr. Romano (Romanus) Fromenwiler for the Prince-Abbot Beda Angehrn of Saint Gall.
Provenienz der Handschrift: Note:
A small paper label, printed and attached to the front endpaper: “Stiftsbibliothek 1513 St. Gallen.”
Pearson James Douglas, Oriental Manuscripts in Europe and North America: A Survey, Bibliotheca Asiatica 7 (Zug: Inter Documentation Company, 1971), 169.
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen (Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1875), 491.
For the publications of the Confessio fidei Armenicæ ecclesiæ by Joachim Schröder, see:
Joachim Schröder, Thesaurus linguæ Armenicæ, Antiquæ et hodiernæ, Cum varia Praxios materia, cujus elenchum sequens pagella exhibet, Part 3: Confessio Ecclesiæ Armenicæ Latine reddita, & necessariis notis illustrata, 249-298. Amstelodami 1711.
Confessio ecclesiæ Armenicæ Latine reditta, & necessariis notis illustrata ab Joh. Hoachimo Schrodero (in Armenian and Latin), reprinted by Grigor Ĵułayec‛i Xaldareanc‛. London: Typis Joh. Rivinfton, 1780 (reprinted from Thesaurus linguæ Armenicæ, Amsterdam 1711).