Kurzcharakterisierung:Liturgische Sammelhandschrift mit dem ältesten erhaltenen Beispiel eines Kollektars (enthält die beim feierlichen Chorgebet benötigten Orationen) und verschiedenen Statuta liturgica et monastica, geschrieben in einer alemannischen Minuskelschrift in der zweiten Hälfte des 8. Jahrhunderts im Kloster St. Gallen (oder sicher in der Bodenseegegend).(smu)
Standardbeschreibung: Lowe Elias Avery, Codices Latini Antiquiores. A palaeographical guide to latin manuscripts prior to the ninth century. Part VII: Switzerland, Oxford 1956 (Osnabrück 1982), p. 29.
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Zusätzliche Beschreibung: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 122.
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Zusätzliche Beschreibung: Gamber Klaus, Codices liturgici latini antiquiores, Pars II, Freiburg 1968, S. 549.
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Online seit: 21.12.2009
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 349
Pergament · 124 pp. · 23 x 13.5-14 cm · St. Gallen (?) · 8. Jahrhundert
Orationes; Statuta Liturgica et Monastica
Wie zitieren:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 349, p. 112 – Orationes; Statuta Liturgica et Monastica (https://www.e-codices.ch/de/list/one/csg/0349)
Lowe Elias Avery, Codices Latini Antiquiores. A palaeographical guide to latin manuscripts prior to the ninth century. Part VII: Switzerland, Oxford 1956 (Osnabrück 1982), p. 29.
Beschreibstoff: Parchment well prepared. (124 pages in the entire volume: pp. 1-4 and 121-124 are paper fly-leaves; for pp. 37-120, containing Statuta liturgica et monastica in Alemannic minuscule saec. VIII2, see next item).
Lagenstruktur: Sixteen folios. Gatherings of eight, with hair-side outside; no quire-marks exist.
(177-182 x 105-110 mm.) in 18 or 19 long lines. Ruling before folding, on the hair-side, 4 bifolia at a time, with the direct impression on the outer bifolium. Double bounding lines in the outer margin, single or double in the inner. Prickings in the outer margin guided the ruling.
Schrift und Hände:
Punctuation: the medial comma or the semicolon marks the main pause, the medial point lesser pauses.
Run-overs carried to the line below are supported by a curved line.
Abbreviations include b;, q; = bus, que; = bis; , ꝳ = men, mus; n̅ = nostrum; op̅s = omnipotens; ꝑ, , ꝓ = per, prae, pro; ꞇ̅ = ter; the Insular symbol p~ = per occurs several times in the formula per dominum nostrum, etc.
Spelling shows frequent confusion of e and i, o and u; ci occurs for ti.
Script is a big roundish, typical Alemannic minuscule: is more frequent than a; the nt ligature occurs often in mid-word.
Ink dark brown.
Headings in broad Square capitals or in uncial.
Initials are large black capitals; an uncoloured hollow initial is seen on p. 25.
Handschriftentitel: Statuta Liturgica et Monastica
Entstehungszeit: Saec. VIII2
Beschreibstoff: Parchment well prepared.
Foll. 42
Format: ca. 21,5-22,5 x ca. 13,8 cm
Seitennummerierung: Paginated 37-120 (for pp. 5-36, see preceding item).
Lagenstruktur: Gatherings of eight or six, with hair-side outside, signed with majuscule letters in the middle of the lower margin of the last page.
(170-175 x ca. 105 mm.) in 23-25 long lines. Ruling before folding, on the hair-side, usually a quire at a time, with the direct impression on the outer bifolium. Double bounding lines in the outer margin and single in the inner. Prickings in the outer margin guided the ruling.
Schrift und Hände:
Punctuation: the main pause is marked by a semicolon or by a medial point which also marks lesser pauses.
Abbreviations include b: = bus, q: = que; aū = autem; = bis; ep̅s = episcopus; e̅e̅, e̅ = esse, est; fr̄s = fratres; n̅ = non; n̅ꞇ̅ and ns̅tr, n̅i̅ = noster, -ri; o = omnes; ꝑ, , p̅p̅ꞇ̅ = per, prae, propter; pre̅bo = presbytero; qˢ, q = qui, quod; ꞅɫ rum; r̅ꞇ̅, s̅ꞇ̅ = runt, sunt; ꞇ̅ = ter; u̅ = uel; noteworthy is the curious form ⸝(the last stroke of the crossed obliquely) for autem (pp. 103, 104, et passim).
Omitted n in mid-word is marked by a vertical flourish.
Spelling and text extremely corrupt with confusion of a for u, e and i, o and u, s for ss, ci for ti, etc.
Script is a typical roundish Alemannic minuscule: is more frequent than a; the shoulder of r often extends over following i; the nt ligature occurs in mid-word; Ɛ is used for hard and soft ti. A somewhat later entry on the lower half of p. 118 and on p. 119 is also in the Alemannic type.
Headings in uncial or capitals.
An uncoloured compass-drawn initial of Alemannic type on p. 39.
A carefully drawn pen-and-ink sketch of a hand in gesture of blessing stands in the lower margin of p. 116.