Documents: 949, displayed: 601 - 620

Sub-project: e-codices 2017-2020

January 2017-December 2020

Status: Completed

Financed by: swissuniversities

Description: Continued support from the swissuniversities program “Scientific Information” will ensure the sustainability of e-codices and its transformation from a project to an established service. In addition, it will ensure the continued improvement of technical infrastructure. Such ongoing development is necessary in order to contribute to essential technical developments in the area of interoperability in the coming years. Finally, more sub-projects will be initiated in order to publish online by 2020 most of those Swiss manuscripts that, from a current point of view, are relevant to research.

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Genève, Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, Flore des Dames de Genève, vol. 12
Paper · 135 ff. · 45.3 x 30.2 cm · 1787-1803 and 1817
Flore du Mexique, ou Collection des Plantes rares ou peu connues observées au Mexique et dans la nouvelle Espagne par Messieurs de Sessé, Moçiño et D. Cervantes dessinées dans le pays par Messieurs Echeverria, Cerda, etc. copiées à Genève par une réunion des amateurs de Peinture et de Botanique, classées et nommées d’après les dessins et les descriptions originales par Mr de Candolle.

This composite manuscript in thirteen volumes consists of drawings of plants which resulted from the Sessé & Moçiño expedition to the region of Mexico and Central America from 1787 to 1803. Of the 1300 drawings contained in these volumes, about 300 are originals from the expedition, the remaining 1000 were copied in Geneva in 1817 by artists and amateur botanists, most of whom were women from Geneva. The entire collection is usually referred to as Flore des Dames de Genève. (bla)

Online Since: 03/29/2019

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Genève, Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, Flore des Dames de Genève, vol. 13
Paper · 150 ff. · 45.6 x 30.9 cm · 1787-1803 and 1817
Flore du Mexique, ou Collection des Plantes rares ou peu connues observées au Mexique et dans la nouvelle Espagne par Messieurs de Sessé, Moçiño et D. Cervantes dessinées dans le pays par Messieurs Echeverria, Cerda, etc. copiées à Genève par une réunion des amateurs de Peinture et de Botanique, classées et nommées d’après les dessins et les descriptions originales par Mr de Candolle.

This composite manuscript in thirteen volumes consists of drawings of plants which resulted from the Sessé & Moçiño expedition to the region of Mexico and Central America from 1787 to 1803. Of the 1300 drawings contained in these volumes, about 300 are originals from the expedition, the remaining 1000 were copied in Geneva in 1817 by artists and amateur botanists, most of whom were women from Geneva. The entire collection is usually referred to as Flore des Dames de Genève. (bla)

Online Since: 03/29/2019

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Genève, Fondation Barbier-Mueller pour l'étude de la poésie italienne de la Renaissance, DELRG 1
Paper · IV + 46 + XVII ff. · 16.5 × 11.3 cm · 1574 ?
Rime sacre di Gironimo del Riccio gentilhomo napolitano alla maestà del re christianissimo Henrigo III

This manuscript contains a collection of 46 annotated sonnets, organized as a short "canzoniere" (songbook). The work is attributed to the mysterious Neapolitan poet Gironimo Del Riccio, about whom we lack any information. It was probably a gift to the French King Henry III on the occasion of his wedding to Louise de Lorraine-Vaudémont and became part of the royal library, as suggested by the coats of arms on the cover. (rom)

Online Since: 10/08/2020

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Genève, Fondation Barbier-Mueller pour l'étude de la poésie italienne de la Renaissance, SIME 2
Paper · I + 124 + I ff. · 22.5 × 15.5 cm · Florence · 1539 and 1565-1570
Gabriele Simeoni and Giovan Battista Strozzi, collection of poems

Composite manuscript with the following content: 1. collection of autographs by the Florentine poet Gabriele Simeoni (Florence, 1509 - Lyon, 1577?), dedicated to Cosimo de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, with poems in Italian and Latin and illustrated by the author;  2. collection of poems, partly autographs, by Giovan Battista Strozzi (1489-1538), containing his madrigals as well as some compositions by Leonardo Giustiniani (1388-1446) and by Anton Francesco Grazzini (1505-1584). (rom)

Online Since: 12/12/2019

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Genève, La Bibliothèque juive « Gérard Nordmann », HEB 0002
Paper · I + 186 + VI ff. · 20.7 x 17.3 cm · 18th century
Astronomical and geographical work

This manuscript is a copy of only one of six extant manuscript exemplars and an old print of this work (1743) worldwide. Its author is the famous Bohemian rabbi, astronomer and mathematician R. David ben Salomon Gans (1541-1613). In his 1974 monograph about David Gans, André Neher referred to this copy as the Manuscrit de Genève. A colophon in the manuscript gives the date as 1613, but a current study on the history of the transmission of this work suggests that it is an 18th century copy. (iss)

Online Since: 06/14/2018

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Lausanne, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne, IS 1841
Parchment · a-c + I + 56 + II-IV + d-f ff. · 38.3 x 26.5 cm · France · 13th century
Liber sapientiae glossatus

This manuscript is from France; certainly from the 14th century onward it has been part of the Libraria secreta of the monastery of St. Francis of Assisi, as attested by an entry in the library inventory. This inventory was written in 1381 by Brother Giovanni Ioli, who saw to its reorganization between 1377 and 1384. The manuscript, which originally contained not only the Liber sapientiae but also the third and fourth parts of Peter Lombard’s Sentences, belongs to an important group of French manuscripts, some richly decorated, that were purchased by the monastery since the founding of the library. When the manuscript was owned by the antiquarian Leo Olschki, it was still complete; but it was already divided in 1960, when the Cantonal and University Library of Lausanne purchased it from the Geneva antiquarian Nicolas Rauch. (ber)

Online Since: 12/14/2018

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Lausanne, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne, IS 3005
Paper · 10 ff. · 28 x 20 cm · Western Switzerland ? · end of the 14th century
Herbier de Moudon, fragments

These fragments, which were discovered in an index volume by the archivist of Moudon in 1931, were named for the place where they were found. According to the manuscript department’s entry register, the fragments were added to the collection of the Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne in 1950. The document contains 21 entries on plants whose medicinal powers are described. The total number of chapters in the original manuscript is not known. According to Eugène Olivier, who edited the text together with Paul Aebischer, it was not copied by a practicing physician but by a scribe, because there are reading errors such as "sanc" (blood) instead of "sint" (fat). (fri)

Online Since: 10/08/2020

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Lausanne, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne, IS 5482
Paper · 167 ff. · 21.5 x 15.5 cm · probably French-speaking Switzerland · end of the 15th century
The so-called "Manuscrit de besace" of Jehan Farcy

This small-format manuscript with a limp binding falls into the category of "livres de besace": mainly it contains a compilation of medical texts (Guy de Chauliac, Jean Le Lièvre, Jean Jacme, Guillaume de Saliceto, anonymous herbaria), most of which have been translated into Middle French, as well as calendars and songs. The main hand wrote in a script from the second half of the 15th century; there are also notes from the 16th and 17th centuries. The first known owner (mentioned on f. 9r) is Jehan Farcy, who is attested as a barber in Lausanne in 1484 and 1496. Pen trials and coats of arms (Valangin and Aarberg, f. 57v) also indicate a regional context. Likewise the parchment from which the binding was made is a reused notarial document prepared in Vaud on April 25, 1448. With the support of private foundations, the Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne acquired this manuscript in 2006. (anm)

Online Since: 12/10/2020

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Lausanne, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne, M 1016
Paper · 141 ff. · 29 x 20 cm · Geneva · 16th century
“Recueil Grenet”

The “Recueil Grenet” is a collection of poems written by the Geneva merchant Gilbert Grenet (1510?-1568) containing French poems written during the decades 1530-1560. The composite manuscript begins with about forty epistles and «dizains» (ten-line poems) by Clément Marot, which were probably copied during and after the poet’s stay in Geneva (1542-1543). This is followed by anonymous poems on the virtues of education and the art of writing. At the end there are about forty epigrams and poems praising the Reformation and polemicizing against Catholicism. Some are personal revisions of texts by Théodore de Bèze and Ronsard. The manuscript is partially illuminated and illustrates the role of militant poetry in the commercial milieu that supported the Reformation in the city of Geneva during Calvin's time. It was acquired by the Cantonal and University Library of Lausanne in 1844. (dou)

Online Since: 12/12/2019

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Lausanne, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne, Ms 403
Parchment · 113 ff. · 24 x 12.3 cm · France? · end of the 12th century
P. Ovidii Nasonis, Metamorphoses

This manuscript, written in early Gothic script and dated to the end of the 12th century, contains an incomplete copy of Ovid’s Metamorphoses (2,52 – 3,466; 3,651 – 14,43; 14,414 – 15,668). There are marginal and interlinear glosses as well as variants by various hands. (del)

Online Since: 06/22/2017

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Lausanne, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne, Ms 5011
Parchment · IV + 45 ff. + V-VIII ff. · 33.5 x 22. 5 cm · Romainmôtier (?) · 12th century (ff. 1-30); around 1300 (ff. 31-45)
Cartulary of the Cluniac priory of Romainmôtier (Switzerland, canton of Vaud)

This manuscript is a cartulary that was created for the Cluniac priory of Romainmôtier (canton of Vaud) and that was probably copied at the monastery. It consists of two chronologically distinct parts that were united at an unknown time. The first part is from the 12th century and consists of 77 documents, introduced by a preface that recounts the most important events from the history of the institution. The second part was copied around the end of the 13th century and contains 80 documents, most of which date back to the years 1270-1286. (anm)

Online Since: 03/29/2019

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Lausanne, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne, TP 2858
Parchment · 241 ff. · 9.5 x 6.5 cm · Cologne region · around 1500
Prayer Book with a Cycle on the Life and Passion of Christ

This prayer book is either from the Cologne area, as indicated by the selection of prayer texts and calendars, or from the “Stift Münstereifel”, as the saints Daria and Chrysanthus, who are venerated there, are explicitly mentioned on 218r and 219r. Via Catharina von Wrede (front paste-down), the prayer book reached the Bibliothèque des Cèdres, which became part of the holdings of the Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne in 1966. This small-format volume, illustrated with 18 miniatures, contains a cycle of prayers on the life and passion of Christ, prayers on the truths of the faith, and on various saints. The miniatures and the beginnings of the texts are surrounded by borders with leaf scroll and interlace ornamentation; additional decoration consists of 35 initials in gold, as well as pen flourishes and blue, red and gold Lombard initials in the margins. (brd)

Online Since: 10/08/2020

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Lausanne, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne, V 1177
Parchment · 242 pp. · 16.5 x 11.7 cm · Northern France (?) · 15th century (2nd third?)
Book of hours

This book of hours, donated to the library of the Academy of Lausanne in 1779, is a typical example of such devotional books from the late Middle Ages. The calendar is for use in Paris: each day has its saint assigned to it, without any of them being highlighted. The masculine form of address of the Obsecro te could have been for a book of hours made for the book market as much as it could designate the actual recipient of the manuscript. Some prayers in French, such as the XV joies de Notre Dame, Les sept requêtes à Notre Seigneur, and a prayer to the Holy Cross, conclude the work. All illuminations marking the beginning of each of the Offices, probably full-page decorations, have disappeared. The only remaining traces of book decoration can be found in the margins and in the decorated initials in the secondary divisions of the same Offices. (rou)

Online Since: 10/08/2020

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Lausanne, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne, V 1762
Paper · 263 pp. · 21.4 x 15 cm · France or French-speaking Switzerland · 15th century
Petrarca, De vita solitaria

De vita solitaria is one of the Latin works by the famous Italian poet Petrarch (1304-1374), who wrote it in 1346 and revised it several times in the course of the following years. Two books praise the secluded, solitary life dedicated to study and meditation. This paper manuscript shows a certain elegance, in the page layout as well as in the two gold initials (p. 7, 103). Its origin is unknown, but before 1892, when it was acquired by the library, it was owned by the canons of Lausanne and a family of notaries from Muraz (Valais). The binding originally consisted of a series of 14th century paper fragments, which were joined together in numerous layers and were later detached and restored. Some of these fragments are papal privileges addressed to members of various French dioceses, others are in Italian from the area of Tuscany, and one contains Hebrew text. (ber)

Online Since: 12/10/2020

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Lausanne, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire - Lausanne, V 1765
Parchment and paper · 117 ff. · 25 x 18.5 cm · 1st part: Italy; 2nd part: France or Switzerland · 1st part: end of the 14th-beginning of the 15th century (palimpsest 13th century); 2nd part: 15th century
Henry Suso, Horologium Sapientiae, Francesco Petrarca, De Vita Solitaria

This codex contains two different texts, both incomplete, in a single 19th century binding. One of these is Henry Suso’s Horologium Sapientiae (1-66), a text that was written in Constance and that was in wide use during the late Middle Ages. The other is Petrarch's De Vita Solitaria (67-116). The first is a parchment manuscript of Italian origin that can be dated to the late 14th or early 15th century; it is written by a single hand in a semi-cursive Gothic script in two columns. What makes this manuscript special is that it was written on a parchment palimpsest that originally contained legal texts written in the 13th century. The second part, by another hand and of French or Swiss origin, contains a text by Petrarch written in a bastarda script in two columns, dated to the 15th century. Both texts contain pen-flourish initials and are interspersed with manicules. (fav)

Online Since: 10/10/2019

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Luzern, Staatsarchiv, COD 1075
Parchment · 9 + 103 + 4 pp. · 49.5 x 35 cm · Lucerne · 1739
Copy in calligraphy of the Sworn Letter of Lucerne (“Geschworener Brief”)

The Sworn Letter (“Geschworener Brief”), drawn up for the first time in 1252, consists mainly of provisions of criminal law for the sake of maintaining internal peace. It soon attained the status of a social contract that was periodically revised, and the town assembly was sworn into office each year with an oath on this document. COD 1075 presents the last version in a special form: The text was elaborately arranged in calligraphy by chancery clerk Josef Corneli Mahler; the articles are introduced by artistic initials and are accompanied by figures (which bear no reference to the themes of the text). For the binding, the wooden boards are covered in blue and white velvet and have protective book corners, clasps and bosses made of silver. (jag)

Online Since: 03/22/2017

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Luzern, Staatsarchiv, COD 1080
Parchment · 256 ff. · 47 x 22 cm · Lucerne · 1433
Silbernes Buch (Silver Book)

In 1433 town clerk Egloff Etterlin compiled a cartulary with copies of documents relevant to the laws of Lucerne, including translations of Latin texts. The volume permitted the council quick access to these texts; thus it served as a finding aid for the originals stored in the water tower (« Wasserturm »). These copies of 150 documents (with 21 translations) do not render the originals in chronological order, but are instead ordered by topic. They were written by various scribes of the Lucerne chancery and go up to the year 1492. This volume receives its name from the magnificent 1505 cover of velvet and taffeta over wooden boards, decorated with silver bosses and clasps with the coat of arms of Lucerne. (jag)

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Luzern, Staatsarchiv, COD 3655
Parchment · 1 + 71 + 2 ff. · 31 x 23.5 cm · Lucerne · 1357-1479
1st Register of Citizens (1. Bürgerbuch)

Strictly speaking, this manuscript (COD 3655) is a “Stadtbuch” (city register). In addition to the lists of new citizens up to 1441 (actually the oldest register of citizens written by town clerk Werner Hofmeier fol. 1r-53v), it contains statutes, copies of documents, notes regarding the administration (including a catalog of the treasure of St. Peter's Chapel, fol. 19r, and an instruction manual for the new clock in the “Graggenturm”, fol. 24r), as well as chronicled notes. Worth mentioning among the latter are notes about the battles of Sempach (fol. 22r), Näfels (fol. 22r) and Arbedo (fol. 49r). The binding of wooden boards covered in pigskin, on which is painted the coat of arms of Lucerne, dates from the second half of the 16th century. (jag)

Online Since: 03/22/2017

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Luzern, Staatsarchiv, COD 3665
Parchment · 38 + 3 ff. · 40 x 30 cm · Lucerne · 1479-1572
2nd Register of Citizens (2. Bürgerbuch)

This second Register of Citizens contains the list of new citizens for Lucerne from 1479 until 1572. The volume ist valuable as a source regarding immigration to Lucerne, since the individual entries give not only the names of the new citizens, but also their exact origins. At the same time it shows the gradual isolation of the citizenry of Lucerne over the course of the 16th century, as fewer and fewer newcomers were able to enjoy the rights of citizenship. In addition to the original register, which is ordered by first names, the imposing leather-bound volume also contains an index by the municipal archivist Joseph Schneller († 1879). (jag)

Online Since: 03/22/2017

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Luzern, Staatsarchiv, KA 140
Paper · 129 + 21 ff. · 20 x 16.5 cm · 1718
Claviculus Salomonis

As part of a great lawsuit against necromancers and treasure seekers, the Lucerne authorities in 1718 confiscated this meticulous copy of the Schlüssel Salomos, a book of spells that had evidently been widely read in certain quarters and of which various versions had been in circulation. Through the rituals for conjuring spirits described in the book, people around the priest Hans Kaspar Giger hoped to become wealthy. The volume was labeled “superstitious” by the authorities, was sealed and placed in the archives. (jag)

Online Since: 03/22/2017

Documents: 949, displayed: 601 - 620