2894 documents found | displayed: 21 - 40
Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsMurFm 9
Parchment · 383 ff. · 50 x 34 cm · 15th century
Antiphonarium OCist, Pars aestvalis

Online Since: 06/18/2020

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsMurQ 1
Parchment · 325 ff. · 23 x 16–16.5 cm · Southwestern Germany · second half of the 14th century
Breviarium monasticum

Online Since: 03/29/2019

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsMurQ 2
Parchment · I + 6 + I ff. · 23.5 x 17 cm · Muri · end of the 15th, beginning of the 16th century
Kalendarium murense

Online Since: 10/04/2018

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsMurQ 4
Parchment · 138 ff. · 17 x 12.5–13 cm · 14th century
Sermones · Franciscus de Maironis

Online Since: 03/29/2019

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsMurQ 5
Parchment · 539 ff. · 21 x 15 cm · around 1300, 14th century, around 1500
Breviarium monasticum

Online Since: 06/18/2020

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsMurQ 6
Parchment · 91 ff. · 17 x 12.5 cm · 1483
Missale OFM

Online Since: 10/04/2018

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsMurQ 7
Parchment and paper · 357 ff. · 19.5 x 13.5 cm · Southwestern Germany · second half of the 14th century and second half of the 15th century
Breviarium monasticum

Online Since: 10/04/2018

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsMurQ 11
Paper · 97 ff. · 21 x 14.5 cm · Southwestern Germany · middle of the 15th century, second half of the 15th century
Letter writing guide

Online Since: 03/29/2019

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsMurQ 12
Paper · 112 ff. · 20.5–22 x 14–15 cm · Southwestern Germany · third quarter of the 15th century, beginning of the 15th century

Online Since: 03/29/2019

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsWett 4
Parchment · 112 ff. · 16 x 11.5 cm · second half of the 13th century
Richardus de Sancto Victore; Hugo de Sancto Victore; Augustinus; De canone mystici libaminis; Ps.-Bernardus Claraevallensis

Online Since: 12/17/2015

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsWettF 1
Parchment · 334 ff. · 40 x 30 cm · Zürich (?) · 1260-1280
Biblia sacra

Online Since: 11/04/2010

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsWettF 9
Parchment · 260 ff. · 30.5 x 21 cm · Basel (?) · second quarter of the 14th century
Petrus Comestor; Alexander de Villa Dei; Petrus Pictaviensis

Online Since: 12/18/2014

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsWettF 10
Parchment · 127 ff. · 29-29.5 x 19.5-20 cm · second half of the 12th century
Gospel Book OCist

Online Since: 12/10/2020

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsWettF 11
Parchment · 417 ff. · 31.5 x 22.5 cm · German speaking region · third quarter of the 13th century
Biblia Sacra . Short tract „De fructibus carnis et spiritus“

Online Since: 11/04/2010

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsWettF 13
Parchment · 104 ff. · 26.5 x 19 cm · second half of the 12th century; 17th century
Epistolare OCist

Online Since: 12/17/2015

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsWettF 15
Parchment · 175 ff. · 30 x 21.5 cm · 1270-1280
Hugo Argentinensis; Guilelmus Rothwell

Online Since: 11/04/2010

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsWettFm 1
Parchment · 270 ff. · 60 x 40-41.5 cm · Cologne · 1330-1335
Graduale oesa, Proprium de tempore, pars hiemalis

Online Since: 11/04/2010

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsWettFm 2
Parchment · 187 ff. · 61 x 41 cm · Cologne · 1330-1335
Graduale oesa, Proprium de tempore, pars aestivalis

Online Since: 12/17/2015

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsWettFm 3
Parchment · 209 ff. · 61 x 41 cm · Cologne · 1330-1335
Graduale oesa, Proprium de sanctis

Online Since: 11/04/2010

Aarau, Aargauer Kantonsbibliothek, MsWettQ 3
Parchment · 128 ff. · 22 x 17.5 cm · third quarter of the 13th century
Collectarius OCist (“Collectaneum“)

Online Since: 12/10/2020