Documents: 949, displayed: 661 - 680

Sub-project: e-codices 2017-2020

January 2017-December 2020

Status: Completed

Financed by: swissuniversities

Description: Continued support from the swissuniversities program “Scientific Information” will ensure the sustainability of e-codices and its transformation from a project to an established service. In addition, it will ensure the continued improvement of technical infrastructure. Such ongoing development is necessary in order to contribute to essential technical developments in the area of interoperability in the coming years. Finally, more sub-projects will be initiated in order to publish online by 2020 most of those Swiss manuscripts that, from a current point of view, are relevant to research.

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2048
Parchment · 292 pp. · 34 x 21 cm · 1735-1797
Registre du renouvellement des vœux des Abbé(s) et chanoines du monastère de Bellelay

Paper volume containing the renewals of vows of the canons and abbots of the Premonstratensian Bellelay Abbey between 1735 and 1797. (rer)

Online Since: 12/14/2018

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2054
Paper · 862 + 4 pp. · 24 x 20 cm · [1771-1817]
Voirol Grégoire: Bellelay

This manuscript contains numerous notes by Abbot Grégoire Voirol (Les Genevez, 1751 - Porrentruy, 1827). The notes differ in content and in language (Latin or French); they were bound together at an unknown date. Among the notes are various obituaries from the Premonstratensian Bellelay Abbey and from Roggenburg Abbey in Bavaria, where Voirol fled after the French invasion of 1789, the catalog from the library of Bellelay, historical souvenirs, letters, etc. (rou)

Online Since: 10/04/2018

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2055
Paper · 256 pp. · 21 x 19 cm · 1785
Grégoire Voirol, Bellelay Theology

This work has the title Théologie de Bellelay written on a piece of paper that is glued to the page containing the original Latin title: “Cursus logica compendiarius data collegio Bellagensi S.R.S. Gregorio Voirol professore anno supra millegissimum septingentesimum octogesimo quinto“. It is the notebook of a student, L’Hoste (p. 131), who followed a shortened course in logic by Abbot Grégoire Voirol (1751-1827), probably when the latter taught at the Premonstratensian Bellelay Abbey. (rer)

Online Since: 06/14/2018

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2407
Paper · 592 pp. · 38.2 x 24.5 cm · 1782
Repertorium documentorum abbatiae Lucellensis

List of the “titres d'acquisitions, les permutations, obligations, sentences, transactions, jugemens [sic] compromissorials [sic], lettres de fiefs, d'admoniations, etc.” (p. 1), found in the archives of the Abbey of Lucelle, followed by a place index at the end of the manuscript (N32-N36). Ex-libris on the title page: “Par moi Jean Baptiste Etienne, archiviste”. (rer)

Online Since: 10/08/2020

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2408
Paper · 550 pp. · 41.4 x 27.3 cm · 1784
List of rights and claims as well as the responsibilities of the Abbey of Lucelle

This list was drawn up by Jean-Baptiste Etienne (N5-N6), director of the archives, to give the abbey an overview of its assets and its duties. It begins with a summary of the founding of the abbey. Ex-libris on the title page: “J. Baptiste Estienne, profès en l'Abbaye de Lucelle, directeur des archives”. (rer)

Online Since: 10/08/2020

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2409
Paper · VIII + 199 + VIII pp. · 27 x 20.3 cm · 18th century
Litterae acquisitiones donationes abbatiae Lucellensis ab anno 1260 ad 1373

This manuscript, also called “Cartulaire de Lucelle no 2”, is the second volume of a collection of documents containing the transcriptions of the titles of goods and temporal privileges of the Abbey of Lucelle. The texts are in Latin and German. (rer)

Online Since: 10/08/2020

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2410
Paper · I + 166 ff. · 28.7 x 21.5 cm · 17th century ?
Litterae instrumenta varia visitandi, ect abbatiae Lucellensis ab anno 1400 ad 1500

This manuscript, entitled “Protocol 3”, contains election documents, credentials and other documents by Louis, Abbot of Lucelle: “Protocol 3, anno 1473 super varia instrumenta electioni chartas visitatorias, litteras commendatitias credentiales, coeteraque formularia à Ludovico abbate Lucellensi”. It comprises an index (ff. 159r-162v) and an ex-libris dated 1630 on the flyleaf (V1r). (rer)

Online Since: 10/08/2020

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2436
Paper · 88 pp. · 32.8 x 21.1 cm · 18th century
Analysis of the most important legal titles of the states of the Prince-Bishopric of Basel

This manuscript contains records as well as documents “tirés de l'insigne Chapitre de Moutier-Grandval”, collected mainly by J.P. Voirol. These documents concern the rights and duties of citizens towards their ruler. (rer)

Online Since: 10/08/2020

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2437
Paper · 192 pp. · 20 x 13.5 cm · 1785
Indictment by the Collegiate Church of Moutier-Grandval to the Public Prosecutor

Indictment by the ecclesiastical body of Moutier-Grandval Abbey to the Prince-Bishop of Basel against persons of public life in order to recover goods stolen from the abbey over time: “Mémoire pour l'Eglise Collégiale de Moutier Grandval contre Monsieur le Procureur général de la Chambre des finances de Sa Rev. Illustr. Monseigneur le Prince Evêque de Bâle prince du Saint Empire, servant de réponse à son plaidoyer fait le 19 décembre 1785 pardevant le Conseil aulique dudit Prince Evêque”. The indictment was written by Jean-Germain Fidèle Bajol, canon of the Chapter of Moutier-Grandval (V5). (rer)

Online Since: 10/08/2020

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2445
Paper · 182 pp. · 34.9 x 21.1 cm · 1814
Historicum insignis Ecclesiae collegiatae Monasterii Grandis-Vallis

Document in two parts. The first part is by François Jacques Joseph Chariatte (1700-1765), provost of Moutier-Grandval Abbey, and tells the history of Moutier-Grandval Abbey from its founding in the 7th century until 1764 (pp. 1-139). The manuscript was completed in 1814 by the canon Jean Germain Fidèle Bajol, Chariatte's nephew (pp. 147-162). (rer)

Online Since: 12/10/2020

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2449
Paper · 72 pp. · 44 x 25.5 cm · 1748
Copie du Roole de la Prévôté de Moutier-Grandval, du 20e juillet 1652

Contains copies of regulations and agreements signed between the Priory of Moutier-Grandval and various regions of French-speaking Switzerland. (rer)

Online Since: 12/10/2020

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2467
Paper · 294 pp. · 21 x 17.6 cm · 1797?
Histoire chronologique du chapitre de Moutier-Grandval

This manuscript, written in French, tells the story of Moutier-Grandval Abbey: "où sont rapportés les événements les plus remarquables qui sont arrivés dans l'Evêché de Bâle depuis l'origine et fondation du monastère de M.G.V. jusqu'à nos jours". This is followed by a Latin print, "Pièces justificatives" (pp. 103-220). It contains an index (pp. N1-N4), and, at the end of the volume, four pages titled: "Mémoire des liaisons helvétiques du chapitre de Moutier-Grand-Val" (pp. N5-N8). The document was most likely written by Jean Germain Fidèle Bajol, who was largely inspired by the Latin manuscript Historicum insigni ecclesiae collegiatae Monasterii Grandis-Vallis by François Jacques Joseph Chariatte (see A2445). (rer)

Online Since: 12/10/2020

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2494
Paper · 150 pp. · 21.1 x 25.5 cm · 1793
Receuil [sic] des droits, revenùs [sic] et coutumes du Chapitre de Moutier Grandval

A collection of rights, revenues and customs of Moutier-Grandval Abbey, introduced by a table of contents (p. V1-V2), occupies the first part of this manuscript (pp. V1-1_0135). This is followed by an "Extrait des protocoles du chapitre de Moutier Grand Val depuis l'an 1500 jusqu'en l'an 1788" (p. 1_0138). (rer)

Online Since: 12/10/2020

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2495
Paper · 560 pp. · 36.9 x 23.9 cm · around 1800
Recueil des matériaux et notes pour servir à l’histoire des ci-devant mère abbaye de Moutier-Grandval

This manuscript contains a topographical description of the region of Moutier-Grandval, decrees tracing the political history of Moutier-Grandval Abbey, and isolated articles on the role of the Priory of Saint-Ursanne. The text was written in Latin and translated into French in the second column. (rer)

Online Since: 12/10/2020

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2498
Paper · VI + 656 + XII pp. · 21.3 x 17.1 cm · 1759
Recueil instructif des principales résolutions et autres gérés de l’insigne Chapitre de Moutier Grandval

Alphabetical inventory of all the rules governing life in general at the Chapter of Moutier-Grandval, be it the life of the canons or relations with the villages of the Chapter. They include, for example, the dress code for the canons on certain occasions, the notary's salary, the mills, etc., for the period from 1499 to 1759. (rer)

Online Since: 10/08/2020

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A2500
Paper · 92 pp. · 18.9 x 13.5 cm · after 1731
Alphabetical overview of the rights and privileges of the Moutier-Grandval Chapter

This document lists the rules that govern the relationship between the Diocese of Basel and the Chapter of Moutier-Grandval, with regard to, for example, watercourses, hunting, forests, tributes, borders, minerals, etc., as well as the characteristics of each local community of the Chapter, for the period between 1462 and 1731. (rer)

Online Since: 10/08/2020

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A5328
Paper · II + 179 + II pp. · 21 x 17 cm · 1756-1789
Medical-surgical observations from the Journal from the office of Monsieur Nicolas Godin

This paper manuscript, paginated 108-286, is one of four surviving copies of the writings of Nicolas Godin (Besançon, 1727 – Porrentruy, 1805), surgeon for the last four archbishops of Basel. His 24 medical-surgical “observations” are followed by a last one, which consists of a “description abrégée” (abbreviated description) of the principality of Basel, with a medical topography and meteorological observations (p. 236-283). (rou)

Online Since: 10/04/2018

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Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, N.C.1
Paper · I + 121 pp. · 18 x 12 cm · 1846
Le Véritable Dragon rouge, followed by La poule noire

This manuscript contains two grimoires (magic textbooks), the Dragon rouge (pp. 4-100) and the Poule noire (pp. 101-108), which were copied in 1846 from a 1521 original. The Dragon rouge “ou l’art de commander les esprits célestes, aériens, terrestres et infernaux” (p. 2) is a collection of writings in French, Italian and Latin. As for the Poule noire, this is a ritual for conjuring ghosts. Several ungainly drawings embellish the work, depicting, for instance, the devil (p. 33, 55) or cabalistic diagrams (p. 19, 54). (rou)

Online Since: 10/04/2018

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Romont, Abbaye de la Fille-Dieu Romont, Ms. liturg. FiD 1
Parchment · I + 9 + I ff. · 30 x 20.5 cm · end of the 12th century (after 1174). The flyleaves are from 1136/1140
Office of the Holy Trinity and of Saint Bernard

The first liturgical library of the nuns of Fille-Dieu, which today is dispersed across all of Europe, has great significance for the history of the Cistercian Order. The booklet FiD 1 (French musical notation) contains the oldest offices of St. Bernard and of the Trinity, which were introduced into the order in 1175 or shortly thereafter. The flyleaves are remarkable as well. Together with FiD 2, they represent relics of antiphonaries that were copied around 1136/1140 and contain the original Cistercian liturgy, which was copied shortly after 1108 in Metz by monks sent by Abbot Stephen Harding. This liturgy was corrected within the framework of the reforms of Bernard of Clairvaux. The existence of Bernardine drafts had until now been known through antiphonary 12A-B from Westmalle Abbey (Belgium) and through the one from Tamié Abbey 6 (Savoy). Codicological analysis of the flyleaves of FiD 1 and of the fragments of FiD 2 reveals that all pieces come from the Swiss Abbey of Fille-Dieu; they share identical status and common characteristics, irrespective of current holding sites. The same hands and correcting hands can be recognized, the same types of ornamentation and the same later touch-ups, which were done at the earliest in the 16th century, probably by the nuns or by the monks of Hautcrêt Abbey (Oron, VD), which was the mother house of Fille-Dieu until 1536. (sca)

Online Since: 03/22/2018

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Romont, Abbaye de la Fille-Dieu Romont, Ms. liturg. FiD 2
Parchment · 4 pp. · 36 x 24.5 cm · around 1136/1140
Early Cistercian antiphonary fragments

These antiphonary fragments, which were copied around 1136/1140 and were scraped and corrected around 1140/1143, constitute a blank cover. Doubtlessly the parchment pieces of various sizes were glued together by the nuns of Fille-Dieu in order to cover a now lost liturgical formulary. Together, FiD 1 and FiD 2 constitute relics of antiphonaries that contained the primitive Cistercian liturgy. This was defined by Fr. Kovacs (“Fragments du chant cistercien primitif“, ASOC 6 [1950], pp. 140–150) and Chr. Waddell (The Primitive Cistercian Breviary, Fribourg, 2007 [Spicilegium Friburgense 44]) as the liturgy reformed by Stephen Harding shortly after 1108. During this reform, the abbot of Cîteaux forced the order to adopt the antiphonary of Metz, which was in use by the order until the time of the second reform under Bernard of Clairvaux. This second reform was completed in the early 1140s. The existence of Bernardine drafts had until now been known through antiphonary 12A-B from Westmalle Abbey (Belgium) and through the one from Tamié Abbey 6 (Savoy). Codicological analysis of the flyleaves of FiD 1 and of the fragments of FiD 2 reveals that all pieces come from the Swiss Abbey of Fille-Dieu; they share identical status and common characteristics, irrespective of current holding sites. The same hands and correcting hands can be recognized, the same types of ornamentation and the same later touch-ups, which were done at the earliest in the 16th century, probably by the nuns or by the monks of Hautcrêt Abbey (Oron, VD), which was the mother house of Fille-Dieu until 1536. (sca)

Online Since: 03/22/2018

Documents: 949, displayed: 661 - 680