Basel, Pharmaziemuseum der Universität Basel, Cod. H87, Front cover – Handwritten copy of the pharmacopoeia of Burkart von Hallwyl (1535-1598)
Manuscript Summary:This copy of Burkart von Hallwyl's (1535-1598) pharmacopoeia is a collection of medications and recipes for treating everyday problems. The length of the recipes ranges from a single sentence to detailed texts containing instructions and lists of ingredients. The manuscript is organized with an alphabetical index, which is followed by more entries.(wan)
Online Since: 09/26/2017
Basel, Pharmaziemuseum der Universität Basel, Cod. H87
Paper · 453 pp. · 21 x 32 cm · 18th century
Handwritten copy of the pharmacopoeia of Burkart von Hallwyl (1535-1598)
How to quote:
Basel, Pharmaziemuseum der Universität Basel, Cod. H87, Front cover – Handwritten copy of the pharmacopoeia of Burkart von Hallwyl (1535-1598) (