Basel, Pharmaziemuseum der Universität Basel, Cod. H52, Front cover – Ross: und für Andere Sachen Artzney Büchli (Ross: and for other things Artzney Büchli)
Manuscript Summary:In his medical compilation for animals, Carolus von Wattenwyl collects recipes of medications for equine diseases (Ross). These range from lack of appetite to an imbalance in the amount of bile. Ff. 95r-99v are written in a different French hand. This excursus explains how to remove various kinds of grease stains from horse riding clothes (title: "pour oster toutes sortes de tasches de graisse des habits"). In the course of the book, the handwriting changes two more times.(wan)
Online Since: 06/22/2017
Basel, Pharmaziemuseum der Universität Basel, Cod. H52
Paper · 196 ff. · 11 x 16 cm · 1651
Ross: und für Andere Sachen Artzney Büchli (Ross: and for other things Artzney Büchli)
How to quote:
Basel, Pharmaziemuseum der Universität Basel, Cod. H52, Front cover – Ross: und für Andere Sachen Artzney Büchli (Ross: and for other things Artzney Büchli) (