Sub-project: Pilot Project: Digital Abbey Library of St. Gall
January 2005 – December 2006
Status: Completed
Financed by: the Paul Schiller Foundation, the UBS Cultural Foundation, the Ernst Göhner Foundation, the Otto Gamma Foundation, the Jubilee Foundation of Swiss Mobiliar Insurance, the Research Funding Foundation of the University of Fribourg, the Jubilee Foundation of the Zurich Insurance Group, and the Friends of the Abbey Library of St. Gall
Description: In the pilot project a selection of medieval manuscripts from the Abbey Library of St. Gall was digitized. This start-up project was made possible by different financial supporters.
All Libraries and Collections
Gospel-book with accompanying commentary, containing the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Earliest extant gospel-book from the St. Gall scriptorium.
Online Since: 06/12/2006
The Irish Gospel Book of St. Gall. Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, illustrated with 12 decorated pages, written and illuminated by Irish monks around 750 in Ireland.
Online Since: 06/12/2006
The Evangelium Longum, a world-class work created by the St. St. Gall monks Sintram (text) and Tuotilo (binding).
Online Since: 12/31/2005
The Gundis Gospel-Book, one of the most splendid liturgical manuscripts of the monastery of St. Gall, containing a monumental "Maria" monogram.
Online Since: 12/31/2005
An Irish copy of John's Gospel, bound in ivory diptychs for presentation to Charles the Great as a gift for his coronation.
Online Since: 12/31/2005
A copy of the Pauline Epistles with a miniature of Paul the Apostle, preaching in front of a great number of Jews and pagans, copies of Alcuin's works "De dialectica" and "De rhetorica" and of the work "Peri hermeneias" of Apuleius of Madaura (?), written in the monastery of St. Gall in the second half of the 9th century, with amendments from the 11th century.
Online Since: 09/14/2005
Bible manuscript from the time of Hartmut, Vice-abbot ca. 850-872 and Abbot 872-883, containing books of the Old Testament (Job, Tobit, Judith, Esther and the prologue of the book Ezra) as well as the Pauline Epistles: a volume of the so-called "Kleine Hartmut-Bibel".
Online Since: 12/12/2006
Winithar's copy of the Pauline Epistles – Winithar's address to his fellow monks.
Online Since: 09/14/2005
The earliest complete extant pandect of Alcuin from the abbey of St. Martin at Tours.
Online Since: 12/31/2005
Bible manuscript from the time of Hartmut, Vice-abbot ca. 850-872 and Abbot 872-883, containing books of the Old Testament (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges and Ruth). The first volume of the so-called "Grosse Hartmut-Bibel".
Online Since: 12/12/2006
Bible manuscript from the time of Hartmut, Vice-abbot ca. 850-872 and Abbot 872-883, containing books of the Old Testament (Samuel I and II and Kings III and IV).The second volume of the so-called "Grosse Hartmut-Bibel".
Online Since: 12/12/2006
Bible manuscript from the time of Hartmut, Vice-abbot ca. 850-872 and Abbot 872-883, containing books of the Old Testament (Paralipomenon I and II, Judith, Esther, Ezra, Nehemiah and Maccabees I and II).
Online Since: 12/12/2006
Bible manuscript from the time of Hartmut, Vice-abbot ca. 850-872 and Abbot 872-883, containing books of the Old Testament (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus - also called Sirach, Job, Tobit). A volume of the so-called "Grosse Hartmut-Bibel".
Online Since: 06/12/2006
Bible manuscript from the time of Hartmut, Vice-abbot ca. 850-872 and Abbot 872-883, containing books of the Old Testament (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and the minor prophets.) A volume of the so-called "Grosse Hartmut-Bibel".
Online Since: 12/12/2006
Bible manuscript from the time of Hartmut, Vice-abbot ca. 850-872 and Abbot 872-883, containing the Pauline Epistles, the Acts and Revelations. The last volume (6) of the so-called "Grosse Hartmut-Bibel".
Online Since: 12/12/2006
Exegesis of St Luke's Gospel by Beda Venerabilis, written by the monk and master scribe Wolfcoz around 820/840.
Online Since: 12/31/2005
A Winithar manuscript: Jerome, commentary on the Psalms 1 to 59.
Online Since: 09/14/2005
From the time of Wolfcoz (820-840): Jerome, commentary on Isaiah 1-5.
Online Since: 12/31/2005
From the time of Wolfcoz (820-840): Jerome, commentary on Isaiah 14-18.
Online Since: 12/31/2005
From the time of Wolfcoz (820-840): Jerome, commentary on Isaiah 6-13.
Online Since: 12/31/2005