Select manuscript from this collection: Cod. Sang. 1  Cod. Sang. 322 Cod. Sang. 328  Cod. Sang. 2135  293/882

Country of Location:
Country of Location
St. Gallen
Library / Collection:
Library / Collection
Cod. Sang. 323
Manuscript Title:
Manuscript Title
Bernhard de Parentinis, Tractatus de officio missae; Anonymous commentary on Isaiah
Paper · 268 pp. · 29 × 20.5 cm · 14th and 15th century
Manuscript Summary:
Manuscript Summary
Two parts make up this manuscript. The first part, somewhat more recent, comes from the early fifteenth century and contains Bernhard de Parentinis’s Tractatus de officio missae (pp. 3178), including the capitulatio (pp. 39), dedication (pp. 910), prologue (pp. 1011) and collatio (pp. 1112). The actual text begins on p. 12. Pages 179190 are blank. The second, older part, comes from the fourteenth century and contains on pp. 191254 an anonymous commentary on Isaiah (Stegmüller, Repertorium Biblicum, No. 8038; the text breaks off in the middle of the commentary on chapter 21) and, on p. 256, the beginning of Peter of Limoges’s Tractatus moralis de oculo, Inc. Si diligenter voluerimus in lege domini meditari. This text also breaks off in mid-sentence. The manuscript is bound in a parchment limp-binding that has cloth glued on the inside. The cloth has detached from the inside front cover, such that the text on the parchment can be read, a German-language charter (fourteenth century). Strips, probably from the same charter, serve as quire guards in the middle of gatherings. On p. 268, in the lower margin, appears a purchase note from 1422. According to the ownership mark on p. 3, the manuscript has been in the Abbey of St. Gall since the fifteenth century. Stamps from the abbacy of Diethelm Blarer (1553–1564) can be found on p. 3 and 178. (sno)
Standard description:
Standard description
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 114.
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DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
DOI (Digital Object Identifier
10.5076/e-codices-csg-0323 (
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Permanent link
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How to quote:
How to quote
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 323: Bernhard de Parentinis, Tractatus de officio missae; Anonymous commentary on Isaiah (
Online Since:
Online Since
Additional literature:
Additional literature
Additional literature – St. Galler Bibliotheksnetz (SGBN) - Verbundkatalog
(Concerning all other rights see each manuscript description and our Terms of use)
Document Type:
Document Type
14th century, 15th century
With in situ fragment:
With in situ fragment
Pastedown, Guard
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