Country of Location: | Country of Location Switzerland |
Location: | Location Trogen |
Library / Collection: | Library / Collection Kantonsbibliothek Appenzell Ausserrhoden |
Shelfmark: | Shelfmark CM Ms. 14 |
Manuscript Title: | Manuscript Title Book of traditional costumes for Ladislaus von Törring |
Caption: | Caption Paper · 50 ff. · 16.5 x 11 cm · Ingolstadt · 1584–1589 |
Language: | Language Latin, French, Italian |
Manuscript Summary: | Manuscript Summary This paper manuscript – a Liber Amicorum for Ladislaus von Törring – contains 49 deptictions of costumes and four of coats-of-arms: all are high quality watercolors and probably all are by the same hand. The costumes mostly show high-ranking persons, mainly from France (Paris), Spain and Veneto. Means of transport, such as ships and carriages, from the same time period are also depicted. Some of the people pictured are identified by captions in French and Italian. Aphorisms and dedications, mostly in Latin, are added on seven pages. The dedicatee is Ladislaus von Törring (1566-1638), Baron in Stein and Pertenstein, Rector of the University of Ingolstadt, a relative of the Bavarian royal family. |
Standard description: | Standard description Beschreibung: Heidi Eisenhut, Kantonsbibliothek Appenzell Ausserrhoden, 2020.Show standard description |
Additional description: | Additional description Gamper Rudolf / Weishaupt Matthias (Hrsg.), Sammlung Carl Meyer in der Kantonsbibliothek Appenzell Ausserrhoden in Trogen. Katalog der Handschriften und der Drucke bis 1600, Dietikon-Zürich 2005, S. 95.Show additional description |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): | DOI (Digital Object Identifier 10.5076/e-codices-cea-0014 ( |
Permanent link: | Permanent link |
IIIF Manifest URL: | IIIF Manifest URL ![]() |
How to quote: | How to quote Trogen, Kantonsbibliothek Appenzell Ausserrhoden, CM Ms. 14: Book of traditional costumes for Ladislaus von Törring ( |
Online Since: | Online Since 03/19/2020 |
Rights: | Rights Images: ![]() (Concerning all other rights see each manuscript description and our Terms of use) |
Document Type: | Document Type Manuscript |
Century: | Century 16th century |
Dated: | Dated 1584-1589 |
Decoration: | Decoration Figurative, Full Page, Tinted Drawing |
Binding: | Binding 19th century |
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