Frauenfeld, Katholisches Pfarrarchiv Frauenfeld, KPfAF III Bg 3
Parchment · 3 ff. · 17 x 11.4 cm · around 1250
Frauenfeld fragments from Konrad Fleck’s "Flore und Blanscheflur"
Around 1220 Konrad Fleck translated the romantic novel "Flore et Blancheflor", written in 1160 by an unknown Provençal poet, into High Alemannic. The complete work consists of about 8,000 verses. Several fragments of an early copy of Fleck’s translation have survived in the parish archives of Frauenfeld. The parchment pieces had been used as a cover for a tribute register from the prebend of St. Michael. (hux)