Basel, Universitätsbibliothek / AN III 11 – Epistulae Pauli cum catena / Front cover |
The titles of hypotheses and epistles are written in a mixed minuscule not significantly bigger than the script of the main text; all of them are rubricated, except those of the introductory texts of the 1st quire, which are written in regular brown ink; the title of the Euthalian prologue to the Pauline epistles is lost with the missing leaf at the beginning (a later hand hastily rewrote one in brown ink in the top margin of f. 1r).
Other rubricated elements: Euthalian kephalaia; cross-reference numbers above the lines of the Pauline text and same numbers repeated next to the relevant section of the catena; various cross-reference symbols; now and then marginal ἄλλως indicating a change of author in the catena; sometimes marginal author names next to the catena (listed in “Content”); references to the Old Testament next to the Pauline text; brief lection notes above or next to the Pauline text; rare ἀρχή/τέλος marks for church readings next to the Pauline text; 3 crosses marking the end of 2 Corinthians; an interlinear addition to the Pauline text on f. 187v; a few elements of the later table of content on f. 7r.
Rubricated titles of hypotheses and epistles for Col., 1 Thess., 2 Thess., 1 Tim. and 2 Tim. (titles of col., 1 Tim. and 2 Tim. written in top margin); title of Eph. added by later hand in red ink; titles of the epistles Gal., Phil., 1 Tim., 2 Tim., Philem. and Heb. quickly added in black ink by a 13/14th century hand; however, no titles for the hypotheses of Eph., Phil., Philem. and Hebrews.
Apart from the headings, the rare rubrics in unit II also include: some Euthalian kephalaia in Col., 1 Thess., 2 Thess., 1 Tim. and 2 Timothy; final subscriptiones with stichometry for Phil., Col., 1 Thess., 2 Thess. and 1 Timothy; cross-reference numbers in 1 Thess. and 2 Thess. (in other epistles of this codicological unit, cross-reference numbers are incomplete and written in regular brown ink; see “Additions: Notes and marginalia”); a few elements of the pinax of 2 Thess. and 1 Tim. However, no rubrics at all in Gal., Eph., Tit. and Philemon.