Manuscript Summary:The manuscript contains: p. 1-17 a calendar (probably written before 1047: Wiborada, canonized in 1047, is added by a 13th century hand); p. 17-19 a list of the Abbots of the Monastery of St. Gall (in a first hand until Nortpert, 1034-1072, additions by three further hands until Berchtold von Falkenstein, 1244-1272); p. 22-162: Rule of St. Benedict; p. 162-163 excerpt from the Book of Proverbs (Prv. 20, 18ff.); p. 165-345 rituals: benedictions, exorcisms, Ordo ad monachos faciendos , instructions for penance, visitation of the sick, anointing of the sick, comforting the dying (Obsequium circa morientes), Office of the Dead (the antiphons and responsories therein with neumes).(sno)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 134-135.
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Additional description: Bruckner Albert, Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica 3, Schreibschulen der Diözese Konstanz, St. Gallen II, Genf 1938, S. 102.
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Online Since: 12/13/2013
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 394
Parchment · 346 pp. · 23.5 x 16.4 cm · Cloister of St. Gall · second/third quarter of the 11th century
Calendar, List of the Abbots of the Monastery of St. Gall, Regula S. Benedicti, Rituals
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 394, p. 21 + p. 22 – Calendar, List of the Abbots of the Monastery of St. Gall, Regula S. Benedicti, Rituals (
S. 1-17>Incipit martyrologium per circulum anni.<
Aeltester julianischer Kalender mit den Novilunarzahlen, neben Cod. 3224 des Germ. Museums; eine erst seit dem 13. Jh. gewöhnliche, früher seltene Bezeichnungsart. Sickel in Wiener Sitz. Ber. Bd. 38 p. 154.
S. 17-19>Nomina abbatum qui in monasterio sci Galli praefuerunt<
St. Gall. Mitth. XI, 126.
S. 22-162Regula S. Benedicti.S. 162-63
Tria sunt difficilia mihi et quartum quod penitus ignoro.
S. 165-345
Benedictiones, Exorcismi, Orationes, Obsequium circa morientes, Lectiones (vgl. J. v. Arx Gesch. I, p. 254-55).
S. 201 bis 202 Litanei mit den Namen der st. gall. Heiligen.