Manuscript Summary:An incomplete copy of the work De statu animae by the Gallo-Roman presbyter Claudianus Ecdidius Mamertus (d. about 473; brother of the bishop Mamertus of Vienna), written in the 10th century at the Abbey of St. Gall. In the last quarter of this copy the last line on each page is missing; the missing parts of these pages were replaced with blank parchment by the restorer in 1969.(smu)
Standard description: Bruckner Albert, Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica 3, Schreibschulen der Diözese Konstanz, St. Gallen II. Genf 1938, S. 119.
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Additional description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 288.
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Online Since: 12/21/2009
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 846
Parchment · 144 pp. · 21.4-21.6 x 19-19.6 cm · St. Gall · 10th century
De Statu animæ
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 846, Spine – De Statu animæ (
In graublauem Pappeinband (19,1 x 22,5 cm) mit Rücken und Ecken aus braunem Leder. 3 Bünde. Keine Schliessen. Pap.Spiegel- und Vorsatzbll. Rückdeckelaufschrift (19. Jh.): Liber de potentiis animæ. Rückenetikette (19. Jh.): 846.