Manuscript Summary:Single sheet of a collection of homilies, probably in two volumes, from the Dominican Monastery of Bern, which were used around 1495 by the bookbinder Johannes Vatter as pastedowns for various incunables that are currently held in Bern and Solothurn. After the secularization of the monastery in 1528, the host volume perhaps came into the possession of the Sterner family in Biel and further to Bern via the antiquarian bookshop Max Müller (BBB Mss.h.h.XXXIV.35).(mit/hol)
Online Since: 07/14/2021
Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.56
Parchment · 1 f. · 35 x 28 cm · Southern France/ Northern Italy · 2nd half of the 10th century
Collection of homilies (Fragment)
How to quote:
Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 756.56, f. 1r – Collection of homilies (Fragment) (