The e-codices newsletter provides information about the latest updates, highlights, and
activities of our project .
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The e-codices team
e-codices newsletter | issue no. 54 | May 2023
In this issue:
- Spring Update
- Appenzell Accounts
- A Breviary for Dominican Nuns
- Fragmentarium Video Conferences Return
1. Spring update
On 25 April 2023, e-codices published 33 new digitizations of manuscripts as part of its Spring Update. The codices come from the Landesarchiv Appenzell Innerrhoden and the Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen, and include a rich selection of liturgical texts from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries, works on canon, civil and feudal law, pastoral treatises, sermons, and theological commentaries. Even a copy of Konrad von Megenberg’s German-language “best-seller”, Buch der Natur, makes an appearance.
2. Appenzell Accounts
The Spring Update includes six account books pertaining to the territory of Appenzell, providing a continuous series of transactions from 1519 until the division into two half cantons in 1597 along Reformed and Catholic lines (Appenzell Ausserrhoden and Innerrhoden). These books provide unparallelled access to the function of the territory during the sixteenth century.
3. A Breviary for Dominican Nuns
Among the treasures published in this update is Cod. Sang. 405, a fine fourteenth-century breviary produced for a convent of Dominican nuns, named St. Catherine. Most likely, the convent in question was the one in St. Gallen, and later in nearby Wil.
4. Fragmentarium Video Conferences Return
Fragmentarium Video Conferences are back! After a round-table on cataloguing in situ fragments and one on loose fragments, the next Video Conference will be held on Friday 9 June, 2023 and feature Eric Johnson, Professor and Curator of Thompson Special Collections, The Ohio State University, will be speaking on “Deathless Fragments. A Virtual Tour of the Current Exhibit at the Thompson Library”. A reminder will be sent at the beginning of July.
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