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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 91.14
Parchment · 4 ff. · 22 x 15 cm · France · 11th century
Boethius: De arithmetica (Fragment)

A two-bifolia fragment of Boethius’ De arithmetica. The manuscript was found in the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Martin in Séez. This fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 91.15
Parchment · 6 ff. · 14.5 x 10.5 cm · France, Northern (?), · 11th century
Medical recipes (Fragment)

Three bifolia from a small-format manuscript containing medical recipes, perhaps connected to the Collectio Salernitana. This fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 91.16
Parchment · 10 ff. · 18 x 13.5 cm · France · 11th/12th century
Isaac Judaeus: De diaetis universalibus; Johannes Afflacius: Liber aureus (Fragment)

Ten leaves from a manuscript in two parts containing the medical treatises of Isaac Judaeus and Johannes Afflacius. This fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 91.17
Parchment · 5 ff. · 16 x 11.5 cm · France: Fleury · 2nd half of the 11th century
Medical recipes; De clarea (Fragment)

Five leaves from a Fleury manuscript that contains, alongside medical recipes, the oldest treatise on the production of binding agents. Therefore, this text, which has only survived here, is extremely important for the understanding of the production and use of colors in the Middle Ages. This fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 91.18
Parchment · 8 ff. · 20 x 12.5 cm · France: Eastern France · 9th/10th century
Glossarium Graeco-Latinum; Glossarium Bernense; Glossarium Latinum “Absida” (Fragment)

Four bifolia from a manuscript probably produced in Eastern France, containing a collection of greco-latin glossaries whose central part is transmitted in this form only here. This fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 91.19
Parchment · II + 8 + II ff. · 23 x 14.5 cm · France · 12th/13th century
A) Remigius Altissiodorensis: Commentum in Martianum Capellam; B) Bernardus Silvestris: De universitate mundi; C) Hildebertus Cenomanensis: Carmina; Excerpta varia (Fragment)

A collection of fragments from three different parts that contains various excerpts of texts by Remigius Altissiodorensis (A), Bernardus Silvestris (B), and Hildebertus Cenomanensis (C). The fragment, encompassing 16 leaves, came to Bern in 1632 as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 91.20
Parchment · 4 ff. · 18 x 10.5 cm · France · 12th century
Beda: De tropis; Cicero (Pseudo-): Rhetorica ad Herennium; Guido Aretinus: Regulae rhythmicae; Balbus (Pseudo-): Liber de asse; Excerpta dialectica (Fragment)

Two bifolia from a collection that contains, alongside a fragment of Guido of Arezzo’s Versus de musicae explanatione, other rhetorical, metrological, and philosophical treatises. This fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 91.21
Parchment · 6 ff. · 20.5 x 15 cm · France: Fleury (?) · beginning of the 11th century
Guido Aretinus: Micrologus, Regulae rhythmicae (Fragment)

Three bifolia of a manuscript probably produced in Fleury, containing musical treatises by Guido of Arezzo and illustrated with various diagrams. This fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 91.22
Parchment · 2 ff. · 36 x 25 cm · France · 14th century
Excerpta iuridica (Fragment)

Bifolium with juridical excerpts (on rights of succession) probably from the Novellae of the Corpus Iuris Civilis. This fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 91.23
Parchment · 1 f. · 21.5 x 14 cm · France · 15th century
Excerpts related to Lactantius and Boethius (Fragment)

A leaf with extracts related to Lactantius and Boethius, but not more precisely identified. The fragment comes from Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 440, where it was originally bound with the beginning of the text – the offset of the decorated initial is still visible on the verso. This fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 91.24
Parchment · 1 f. · 28.5 x 20.5 cm · France: Orléans region · 1550-1600
Daniel, Pierre: List of the manuscripts of Fleury (Fragment)

A list of manuscripts from Fleury noted by Pierre Daniel on a page; all the manuscripts are today more or less securely traceable to the libraries of Orléans and Paris. This fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 91.25
Parchment · 2 ff. · 28 x 20 cm · Germany (?) · 14th/15th century
Excerpts from the Bablyonian Talmud (Fragment)

Bifolium of a Hebrew (Babylonian) Talmud probably produced in Germany. Hermann Hagen probably detached the fragment before 1875 from his own collection. The relation to Jacques Bongars is unclear. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.1
Parchment · 15 ff. · 21–21.5 x 14.5–15 cm · France: Northern · ca. 2nd quarter of the 9th century
Glossarium Latinum (Fragment)

Two quires of a Latin glossary, belonging to the Aptet-type, that probably were produced in Northern France. A note indicates Pierre Daniel as a previous owner. The fragment, which perhaps belonged to the same manuscript as Cod. A 92.2, came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.2
Parchment · I + 5 ff. · 21 x 15 cm · France: Northern · ca. 2nd quarter of the 9th century
Glossaria Latina (Fragment)

Quire (5 leaves) of a heavily damaged Latin glossary that probably comes from Northern France and likely contains several types of glossary. The fragment, which perhaps belonged to the same manuscript as Cod. A 92.1, came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.3
Parchment · 2 ff. · 20.5 x 14.5 cm · France: Septimania · beginning of the 9th century
Glossarium Latinum (Fragment)

Bifolium of a latin glossary of the type beginning with Abstrusa, probably from Septimania. The fragment, written in a Western Gothic minuscule, contains a beautiful decorated initial G on f. 2va; in 1632 it came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.4
Parchment · 7 ff. · ca. 16 x 10.5 cm · France: Loire region · end of the 9th/beginning of the 10th century
Glossarium Latinum (Fragment)

Seven leaves from a Loire-area glossary, of which only the B-L section remains. The fragment was annotated by Pierre Daniel and came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.5
Parchment · 2 ff. · 21 x 15 cm · France: Fleury · 2nd third of the 9th century
Biblia latina (Vulgata) (Fragment)

A bifolium-sized fragment of a large-format Bible from Fleury, with parts of Genesis; it contains numerous interlinear and marginal notes, including the name Ermenaldus, that were added shortly after the production of the text. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.6
Parchment · 8 ff. · 25.5 x 19.5 cm · France: Northeastern · 9th century
Cicero (Pseudo-): Synonyma ad L. Victurium ; Vocabula hebraica (Fragment)

4 bifolia (= 1 quire) from a manuscript from Northeastern France, containing the Synonyma falsely attributed to Cicero. The (Pseudo-)Hebrew terms with Latin translations on the last leaf are interesting. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.7
Parchment · 10 ff. · 12.5 x 10 cm · France: Fleury · 11th century
Boethius: De consolatione philosophiae; Servatus Lupus: De metris Boetii (Fragment)

A quire of five bifolia from a small-format Boethius manuscript with parts of the De consolatione philosophiae as well as an explanation of the verse portions by Servatus Lupus. Probably produced in Fleury – there are different opinions on its dating and origin. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.8
Parchment · III + 39 + III ff. · 16.5 x 13 cm · France · 10th century
Regula Benedicti

A fragment comprising 39 leaves (5 quires) and containing the majority of a Regula Benedicti copied in France. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars and was apparently bound many times (and erroneously). (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.9
Parchment · 6 ff. · 15.5 x 9 cm · France (?) · 1st half of the 12th century
Disticha Catonis; Ecloga Theoduli (Fragment)

Three bifolia of a manuscript, likely produced in France, of the Disticha Catonis, also containing the Ecloga Theoduli. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.10
Parchment · 1 f. · 21 x 16 cm · France: probably Loire region · 2nd quarter of the 9th century
Livius: Periochae (Fragment)

Single leaf from a manuscript probably produced in the Loire region and containing Livy’s Periochae. The fragment was annotated by Pierre Daniel and came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.11
Parchment · 1 f. · 20.5 x 14.5 cm · France · end of the 12th century
Commenta in Horatii opera (Fragment)

Single leaf of a manuscript produced in France and containing commentaries on Horace’s Satires and Ars poetica. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.12
Parchment · 1 f. · 28.5 x 18.5 cm · France · 11th century
Horatius: Carmina; Acro (Pseudo-): Scholia (Fragment)

Single leaf of a manuscript produced in France containing Horace’s Odes, with the scholia of (Ps.-)Acron. The manuscript, of which further parts are found in Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. lat. 1675, belonged to Pierre Daniel. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.13
Parchment · 1 f. · 23 x 18 cm · Italy (?) · 10th century
Sallustius: Bellum Jugurthinum (Fragment)

Single leaf of a manuscript produced in Italy and containing Sallust’s Bellum Jugurthinum. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.14
Parchment · 4 ff. · 24.5 x 17.5 cm · France · 12th century
Sententiae; Horatius: Carmina (Fragment)

Two bifolia from a manuscript produced in France containing Horace’s Odes; on f. 1r there is a collection of Latin sayings. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 from the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.15
Parchment · 1 f. · 20.5 x 15.5 cm · France: Brittany · 1st half of the 10th century
Serenus Samonicus: Liber medicinalis (Fragment)

Single leaf from a manuscript likely produced in Brittany and containing Serenus Samonicus’ Liber medicinalis. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 from the collection of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.16
Parchment · 1 f. · 28 x 13 cm · France · 1st half of the 10th centruy
Disticha Catonis (Fragment)

Single leaf from a manuscript produced in France and containing the Disticha Catonis. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.17
Parchment · 6 ff. · 21.5 x 15 cm · Italy (?) · 15th century
Cicero: De amicitia (Fragment)

Three bifolia of a humanistic manuscript perhaps produced in Italy. This beautifully illuminated fragment contains the beginning of Cicero’s De amicitia and came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.18
Parchment · 8 ff. · 17.5 x 13.5 cm · France: probably the region of Alençon · 13th century
Seneca: Epistulae morales; Vita Senecae (Fragment)

4 bifolia of a manuscript produced in France containing excerpts from Seneca’s Epistulae morales as well as his vita. According to a note on f. 8v, the manuscript probably found itself in the region of Alençon in the 14th century. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.19
Parchment · 1 f. · 23.5 x 13.5 cm · France · 11th/12th century
Priscianus: Partitiones duodecim versuum Aeneidos principalium (Fragment)

A single leaf from a manuscript produced in France and containing Priscian’s Partitiones. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.20
Parchment · 2 ff. · 19.5 x 13.5 cm · France: Western · 8th/9th century
Isidorus: De natura rerum (Fragment)

Two leaves of a manuscript probably produced in the Loire region with Isidore’s De natura rerum. The second leaf contains a carefully drawn and illuminated map of the winds with the Latin and Greek names of the winds. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.21
Parchment · 1 f. · 28.5 x 18.5 cm · France: Eastern (?) · end of the 10th/beginning of the 11th century
Excerpts from the Annales Laurissenses or from the Annales Mettenses (Fragment)

Single leaf from a manuscript likely produced in Eastern France containing excerpts from the Annales Laurissenses or the Annales Mettenses. The text deals with the events of 783 to 785. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.22
Parchment · I + 4 + I ff. · 25 x 16.5 cm · France: Fleury (?) · 12th/13th century
Smaragdus: Liber in partibus Donati; Versus de monachis (Fragment)

4 leaves from a manuscript possibly produced in Fleury with grammatical content, including a Carolingian commentary on Donatus. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.23
Parchment · 4 ff. · 25.5 x 21 cm · France: Fleury · probably 1st third of the 9th century
Phocas: Ars de nomine et verbo; Excerpts from Priscianus: Institutiones grammaticae; Marcus Casinensis: Carmen de S. Benedicto (Fragment)

Two bifolia from a manuscript produced in Fleury; in addition to Phocas’ grammar, the fragment contains excerpts from Priscian as well as a poem on Saint Benedict. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.24
Parchment · 6 ff. · 21.5–22 x 13–14 cm · France · 2nd third of the 9th century
Medical Recipes; Dynamidia (Fragment)

Six leaves from a medical manuscript that was produced in France. In addition to excerpts from the Dynamidia, the fragment contains medical recipes and blessings. It came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.25
Parchment · 9 ff. · 17.5 x 12 cm · France · end of the 12th/beginning of the 13th century
Martianus Capella: De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii; Grammatical Excerpts (Fragment)

9 leaves (probably 1 quire) of a manuscript produced in France. The fragment contains passages from the eighth book of Martianus Capella’s De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii, as well as grammatical excerpts. It came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.26
Parchment · 10 ff. · A: 19.5 x 12–12.5 cm; B: 18.5–19 x 11.5 cm · France · 12th century
De 12 lapidibus pretiosis; Isaac Judaeus: Practica (Constantinus Africanus' translation); Medical recipes (Fragment)

A ten-leaf fragment of French origin, coming from two different codicological units. Part A (the two outer bifolia) contains a text on the twelve gems as well as various medical treatises. Part B holds parts of the second book of Isaac Judaeus’ Practica, in the Latin translation of Constantinus Africanus, as well as a few medical recipes. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.27
Parchment · 3 ff. · 24 x 16 cm · France · 12th century
Medical recipes and Excerpts; De duodecim gemmis (Fragment)

Three leaves from a manuscript produced in France. The leaves chiefly contain a text, probably excerpted from various sources, on the twelve gems as well as medical recipes. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.28
Parchment · 2 ff. · 23.5 x 15 cm · France · 12th century
Hieronymus: Commentaria in Matthaeum; Orthographia Bernensis II; Augustinus: Enarratio in Psalmum CIII; Eugenius Toletanus: De decem plagis Aegypti (Fragment)

Bifolia from a manuscript produced in France that, on the basis of a beautiful majuscule explicit, may have contained Jerome’s commentary on Matthew. There follows a short orthography, an excerpt from Augustine, as well as the text by Eugenius Toletanus on the ten Egyptian plagues. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.29
Parchment · 2 ff. · 22.5 x 15 cm · France · 12th/13th century
Accessus in Ciceronis De amicitia; Horatius: Ars poetica, cum glossis (Fragment)

Bifolium from a manuscript produced in France. The fragment contains the accessus to Cicero’s De amicitia as well as the beginning of a glossed version of Horace’s Ars poetica. It came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.30
Parchment · 1 f. · 18 x 14.5 cm · France (?) · 10th century
Persius: Saturae (Fragment)

Single leaf of a manuscript probably produced in France containing Persius’ Saturae. The fragment, with its numerous interlinear and marginal glosses, came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.31
Parchment · 4 ff. · 22.5 x 16.5 · France · 12th century
Map, Walter: Praedicatio Goliae; Sermo de caelestis sponsi; Hugo de Sancto Victore: De quinque septenis (Fragment)

Two bifolia from a manuscript produced in France. The fragment contains, in addition to Walter Map’s Praedicatio Goliae and the beginning of Hugh of Saint Victor’s De quinque septenis, one or two homilies that have not yet been identified. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.32
Parchment · 1 f. · 30.5 x 22.5 cm · France: Tours region (?) · 12th century
Generatio regum Francorum; List of the Archbishops of Tours; Cursus lunaris (Fragment)

A heavily damaged leaf from a manuscript produced in France, containing a list of French kings as well as Archbishops of Tours. The additions to the list extend into the second quarter of the 13th century. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.33
Parchment · 1 f. · 31.5 x 22 cm · France (?) · after 1529
Emili, Paolo: De rebus gestis Francorum (Fragment)

Single leaf of Paolo Emili’s De rebus gestis Francorum. The fragment, written in a beautiful humanistic minuscule and later used as a book cover, came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.34
Parchment · 8 ff. · 19 x 13 cm · France: Fleury · 11th/12th century
Excerpts on Grammar; Excerpts from Isidore, Etymologiae (Fragment)

4 bifolia (probably 1 quire) from a manuscript produced in Fleury. The content of the texts, which are partly designed as a student-teacher dialogue, ranges from orthography and grammer to the Artes liberales and the ages of the world to a glossary of the parts of the body. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.35
Parchment · 2 ff. · 22.5 x 16 cm · France · 10th century
Augustinus: Principia dialecticae (Fragment)

A heavily degraded bifolium from a manuscript produced in France containing Augustine’s Principia dialecticae. Ownership marks indicate that, in the fifteenth century, the fragment belonged to Isabel d'Esch, a member of one of the most prominent families of Metz. It came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.1
Parchment · 3 ff. · 31 x 23.5 cm · France: Eastern · 11th century
Johannes Cassianus: De institutis coenobiorum (Fragment)

Three large-format leaves from a manuscript produced in Eastern France and containing the Instituta coenobiorum of John Cassian. The fragment, probably taken from a medieval book binding, came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.2
Parchment · II + 18 + II ff. · 22 x 15.5 cm · France: Vauluisant · 1170–1180
Aelredus Rievallensis: Compendium speculi caritatis; Alcuinus: Compendium in cantica canticorum (Fragment)

18 leaves (two whole quires and one bifolium) from a manuscript of the Cistercian abbey of Vauluisant. Additional parts of the manuscript are in Paris, BnF latin 2820. The fragment contains the end of Aelred of Rievaulx’s Compendium speculi caritatis and the beginning of Alcuin’s Compendium in cantica canticorum. In 1632, it came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.3
Parchment · 4 ff. · 18 x 13 cm · France · 2nd half of the 13th century
Petrus Alphonsi: Disciplina clericalis (Fragment)

Two bifolia from a manuscript produced in France and containing the last part of Petrus Alphonsi’s Disciplina clericalis. In 1632, it came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.4
Parchment · 8 ff. · 31.5-32 x 21-21.5 cm · France: area of Orléans · 1st quarter of the 9th century
Commentarius in Psalmos; Commentarius in Proverbia Salomonis (fragment)

This fragment consists of 8 leaves from a large-format manuscript that has long been associated with Theodulf of Orléans. It is actually a quire from Theodulf’s composite manuscript of biblical exegesis, which had until now been thought lost; its remaining parts are contained in MS Paris, BN lat. 15679. The quire, now bound, contains the end of the commentary on the Psalms as well as the beginning of the commentary on the Proverbia Salomonis. Thanks to a partially erased note of ownership, it can be demonstrated that this fragment once was the property of the Abbey of Saint-Mesmin, Micy; in 1632 it came to Bern as part of the bequest of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.5
Parchment · 16 ff. · 20 x 15 cm · France: probably around Lyon · 9th century
Gregorius Magnus: Registrum epistolarum (Fragment)

Sixteen leaves (= 2 whole quires) of a manuscript probably produced around Lyon and containing the Registrum epistolarum of Gregory the Great. The text, apparently compiled from the Registrum Hadrianum (R), indictio II, appears to have been prepared for copying as late as the 9th century. In 1632, it came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.6
Parchment · I + 2 + I ff. · 33 x 23 cm · France · 10th century
Fulgentius: Homilia de caritate (Fragment)

Bifolium from a large-format manuscript produced in France that contained Fulgentius’ Homilia de caritate. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.7
Parchment · 7 ff. · 18 x 13 cm · France: Eastern (?) · 1st half of the 13th century
Petrus Lombardus: Prologus in Isaiam; Prologi varii (Fragment)

7 leaves of a manuscript probably produced in Eastern France and containing Peter Lombard’s Prologus in Isaiam and other prologues to various biblical books. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.8
Parchment · 8 ff. · 18.5 x 11.5 cm · France: probably region of Orléans · 1st half of the 12th century
Ambrosius Autpertus: De conflictu vitiorum et virtutum (Fragment)

Four bifolia of a manuscript probably produced in the Orléans region and containing Ambrosius Autpertus’ De conflictu vitiorum et virtutum. The quire, which came from the Celestine abbey of Notre-Dame at Ambert, constituted the beginning of Bern, Burgerbibliothek Cod. 612. The fragment belonged to the Daniel family and came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.9
Parchment · 16 ff. · 18 x 12.5 cm · France (?) · end of the 13th – beginning of the 14th century
Bernardus Papiensis: Summa decretalium (Fragment)

Sixteen leaves (= two whole quires) from a manuscript probably produced in France and containing Bernard of Pavia’s Summa decretalium. In 1632, the fragment, illuminated in the Cistercian style, came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.10
Parchment · 10 ff. · 19.5–20 x 13.5–14 cm · France · 12th century
Constantinus Africanus: Viaticus (Fragment)

5 bifolia (=1 quire) from a manuscript produced in France and containing the beginning of Constantine the African’s Viaticus. In 1632, the simply-decorated fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.11
Parchment · 2 ff. · 23 x 17 cm · France: Paris (?) · 13th century
Boethius: De institutione musica (Fragment)

Bifolium from a magnificently-illuminated manuscript produced in France and containing Boethius’ Institutio musica, which once was in the library of the Sorbonne, as attested by the other parts of the same manuscript in Paris, BnF latin 16652 (olim Sorbonne 909). In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.12
Parchment · 18 ff. · max. 39 x 28.5 cm · France: Loire region · 2nd/3rd of the 11th century
Passiones et Homiliae sanctorum (Fragment)

An extensive part (18 leaves) of a large-format homiliary, probably coming from the Loire area, and decorated with various initials in a Romanesque style. The leaves, which belong to at least three different quires, are today heavily damaged and bound together. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. In the 20th century, a leaf was lost and was found again in Zurich in 1944. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.13
Parchment · 1 f. · 29 x 20 cm · France · beginning of the 13th century
Petrus Lombardus: Sententiae (Fragment)

Single leaf of a manuscript produced in France and containing Peter Lombard’s Sentences. It was probably later used as a limp binding. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.14
Parchment · 1 f. · 31.5 x 22 cm · Eastern France (?) · 13th/14th century
Augustinus: De adulterinis coniugiis (Fragment)

Single leaf from a manuscript probably copied in Eastern France. The unfinished leaf of Augustine’s De adulterinis coniugiis was probably later used as flyleaf of a manuscript containing Isidore’s Etymologies. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.15
Parchment · 1 f. · 33 x 23 cm · France · 12th century
Gesta Treverorum (Fragment)

Single leaf of a manuscript produced in France and containing the Gesta Treverorum. Other parts of this manuscript can today be found in Paris (BnF, latin 5873) and in the Vatican (B.A.V., Reg. lat. 1283). In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.16
Parchment · 8 ff. · 27.5 x 17.5 cm · France (?) · end of the 13th/first half of the 14th century
Humbertus de Romanis (Pseudo-): De eruditione religiosorum (Fragment)

Four bifolia (= 1 quire) of a manuscript that contained the treatise De eruditione religiosorum by (Pseudo-)Humbert of Romans, which recently was ascribed to Guilelmus Peraldus. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.17
Parchment · 1 f. · ca. 30 x 24 cm · France: Metz region · end of the 10th/beginning of the 11th century
Gregorius Magnus: Homiliae in Evangelium (Fragment)

A single leaf in two halves from a manuscript probably produced in the Metz region and containing Gregory the Great’s Homiliae in Evangelia; another part of the manuscript can be found in Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 168 (flyleaf). In 1632, the fragment, with a beautiful initial, came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.18
Parchment · 1 f. · 33 x 21.5 cm · France · 14th century
Lectionary (Fragment)

Single leaf of a lectionary from the French area. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.19
Parchment · 1 f. · 33.5 x 23 cm · France: Metz · 13th/14th century
Prosa de sancto Eligio; list of chapters from Cod. 111 (Fragment)

Former flyleaf of Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 111, an anthology with saints’ lives from the Cistercian abbey of Pontiffroy (Moselle départment). In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars and was detached from its host volume probably between 1854 and 1875. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.20
Parchment · 1 f. · 31 x 23 cm · Western Germany (?) · 11th/12th century
Gregorius Magnus: Moralia in Hiob (Fragment)

A single leaf with Gregory the Great’s Moralia in Hiob, that, together with Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 132, ff. 1-4, served in the 11th century to complete the text of this manuscript (ff. 5-149). Palimpsest: the original manuscript from the beginning of the 9th century contained Clement of Rome, Recognitiones. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.21
Parchment · 2 ff. · 35 x 24 cm · France: Soissons (?) · 12th century
Hugo Farsitus: De miraculis beatae Mariae in urbe Suessionensi; Vitae patrum VI [= Verba seniorum] (Fragment)

Bifolium of a manuscript probably produced in the area of Soissons, which contained a Marian miracle of Hugo Farsitus as well as an excerpt of the Vitae patrum. According to an ownership mark, the bifolium was later in the Carthusian monastery of Arvières-en-Valromey (Ain). In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.22
Parchment · 2 ff. · 32 x 24 cm · France: Fleury · 11th century
Clemens Romanus: Epistula I ad Jacobum (Fragment)

Bifolium from a manuscript produced in the Abbey of Fleury and containing the texts of Clement of Rome. This fragment, along with the next (A 94.23), made up the final quire and pastedown of Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 164, and in 1632 came to Bern from the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.23
Parchment · 2 ff. · 24 x 16 cm · France: Fleury · 10th century
Augustinus: Enarrationes in Psalmos; Biblia latina (Vulgata): Lamentationes (Fragment)

Bifolium from a manuscript of the texts of Clement of Rome produced at the abbey of Fleury; it contains parts of Augustine’s Enarrationes in Psalmos as well as the Biblical book of Lamentations. The fragment was used as the inner pastedown of the original back cover of Bern, Burgerbibliothek, 164, and an offset (of ff. 1v-2r) can be seen in the preceding classmark (A 94.22, f. 2v). In 1632, the host volume and fragments came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 94.24
Parchment · 8 ff. · 22–22.5 x 15.5–16 cm · France · 14th century
Compilation of Roman History (Fragment)

Four bifolia (=1 quire) of a manuscript of French origin; it possibly consists of parts of the third book of a (World?-) Chronicle. The text, which is primarily compiled from Livy and Orosius, has not yet been identified and concerns events in Roman history from ca. 400 to 49 BCE. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 95.1
Paper · 4 ff. · 27.5 x 20 cm · France · 1370-1380
Fragment of a chansonnier: Trouvère c

Fragment of a 14th century French Trouvère manuscript. It contains 18 jeux-partis (17 with the participation of Jehan Bretel) and a fragment of the Prise amoureuse by Jean Acart de Hesdin; all chansons except for one are attested in the parallel version. The songs have been transmitted without notation. (mit/hop)

Online Since: 06/14/2018

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 95.2
Parchment · 38 ff. · 14-14.5 x 10-10.5 cm · Northern France or Flanders · beginning of the 14th century (around 1314–1316)
Lanfrancus Mediolanensis: Surgery

Fragment of a contemporaneous French translation of the Chirurgia parva by Lanfranc of Milan. This small-format booklet is incomplete; it presents the oldest remaining witness of the work; the other four surviving manuscripts all date from the 15th century. Based on a text comparison with the Latin version, one must probably assume the loss of a quire at the front as well as at the back. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 95.3
Parchment · 4 ff. · 15.5 x 11.5 cm · France · 14th century
Tractatus de peccatis; Poème pieux (fragment)

The Latin part of this fragment (f. 1r3r) contains a collection of excerpts from various authors regarding sins and penance, morals, etc. The French part (f. 3v4v) contains one or two poem(s) in verse, which seem to have survived only in this fragment. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 95.4
Parchment · 13 ff. · 14 x 10 cm · France · 2nd half of the 13th century
Maurice de Sully: sermons (fragment)

Fragment of a small-format manuscript with sermons by Maurice de Sully. It contains sermons 27–36, however, the quires are arranged incorrectly: the text of quire 2 (f. 913) is followed by the text of quire 1 (f. 18). (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 95.5
Parchment · 4 ff. · 27.5 x 19 cm · France · end of the 15th century
Robin Comtet: Panégyrique de Blanche de Navarre (fragment)

Fragment of a panegyric on Queen Blanche of Navarre (1331–1398), consisting of almost 400 verses. The author Robin Comtet - who mentions himself toward the end of the piece - is not otherwise known. The poem seems to have been preserved only in this copy and has not yet been published. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 95.7
Parchment · 2 ff. · 26 x 17.5 cm · France · end of the 14th century (text) –1515 (additions)
Continuation des Chroniques abrégées de Baudouin d'Avesnes (fragment)

Fragment with an excerpt from the Continuation des Chroniques abrégées by Baldwin of Avesnes (for the years 1369–1370); the text for the events of the years 1342-1383 was adopted without changes for the Chroniques de Flandres. The additions twice contain the name of Robert Migaillot, canon at Laon, who gave this manuscript as a gift to his cousin in 1515. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 95.8
Parchment · 1 f. · 26.5 x 17 cm · France · 14th century
Copie de lettre

Copy of a letter by Etienne du cimetière, prévôt d’Orléans, regarding Jean de Saint-Mesmin's confession to the maison de la chèvrerie, dated March 1331 (or 1337). (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 95.9
Parchment · 4 ff. · 29 x 21 cm · France · end of the 13th / beginning of the 14th century
Lancelot en prose (fragment)

Fragment (2 bifolia) of a French manuscript of Lancelot in prose. Based on the note of sale, perhaps related to the library of Jean Buridan, philosopher and professor at the University of Paris? (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 95.10
Parchment · 8 ff. · 32 x 24 cm · France · end of the 14th century
Boethius: Livre de consolation; Guillaume de Machaut: Le confort d'ami

This fragment contains two texts that were popular in France at the time: the French translation of the Consolatio Philosophiae by Boethius and of the confort d’ami by Guillaume de Machaut. The 8 pages are from a rich collection of fragments in the Burgerbibliothek of Bern; they were digitized as a complement to the library’s magnificently decorated Machaut manuscript (Cod. 218). (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.1
Parchment · 3 ff. · 19.5–20 x 12 cm · France: Fleury · ca. 2nd quarter of the 9th century
Godescalcus Orbacensis: Carmen O mi heros (Fragment)

Three leaves (1 folio, 1 bifolium) from a manuscript produced in Fleury that contained, among other things, poems by Gottschalk of Orbais. Other parts of this manuscript are in the Vatican (B.A.V., Reg. lat. 1616). In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.2
Parchment · 2 ff. · 21 x 15 cm · Italy (?) · 10th/11th century
Passio Cornelii Papae et martyrum (Fragment)

Two leaves from a passionary possibly produced in Italy that contained the Passio of Pope Cornelius augmented by other pieces. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.3
Parchment · 6 ff. · 19.5 x 13 cm · France · 12th century
Augustinus, (Pseudo-): De essentia divinitatis; Petrus Damianus: De novissimis et Antichristo; Opuscula varia (Fragment)

Three bifolia from a manuscript produced in France containing excerpts on different theological themes. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.4
Parchment · 4 ff. · 15 x 10.5 cm · France · 12th century
Haimo Halberstadensis: Expositio in Pauli epistolas; Ivo Carnotensis: Epistola ad Pontium Cluniacensem; Excerpts from a collection of sententiae from the school of Anselm of Laon; Carmina (Fragment)

Two bifolia from a small-format manuscript made in France containing various theological excerpts related to a collection of sententiae from the school of Anselm of Laon. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.5
Parchment · 6 ff. · 15 x 10.5 cm · France: Fleury (?) · end of the 12th century
Vita Placidi et sociorum (Fragment)

Three bifolia from a manuscript probably produced in Fleury. Other parts of the manuscript can be found in Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 170. The fragment contains parts of the vita of saint Placidus and his disciples. In 1632, it came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.6
Parchment · 8 ff. · 19.5 x 14 cm · France · 12th century
Johannes Abrincensis: Expositio divinorum officiorum; Amalarius Trevirensis: Expositio ordinis missae (Fragment)

Four bifolia (likely 1 quire) of a manuscript produced in France that contained John of Avranches’ explanations of the Divinum officium and Amalarius of Metz’s Ordo missae. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.7
Parchment · 8 ff. · 12.5 x 11 cm · France · 3rd quarter of the 9th century
Isidorus: Synonyma (Fragment)

Four bifolia (1 quire) of a small book made in France. Other parts of this manuscript, written in a beautiful minuscule, can be found in Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 705. Damaged on the upper part, this fragment, containing Isidorus’ Synonyma, came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.8
Parchment · 1 f. · 23 x 17.5 cm · France: Micy (?) · 12th century
Letaldus Miciacensis: Miracula S. Maximini (Fragment)

Single leaf of a manuscript probably produced in Micy with the miracles of saint Maximinus. The fragment subsequently belonged to Pierre Daniel and later came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.9
Parchment · 2 ff. · 26.5 x 22 cm · France: Eastern (?) · 12th century
Liber poenitentialis (Fragment)

Bifolium of a Liber poenitentialis, not further identified, probably produced in Eastern France. It contains parts of book 24, as suggested by the running number written in the upper margin. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.10
Parchment · 12 ff. · 20 x 14 cm · France · 14th century
Exempla varia (Fragment)

Six bifolia (perhaps 1 quire) of a manuscript produced in France, which contained a collection of as-yet unidentified exempla. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.11
Parchment · 8 ff. · 20 x 15 cm · France: Paris (?) · 10th century
Statuta confraternitatis XII apostolorum Parisiensis (Fragment)

Four bifolia (perhaps 1 quire) containing parts of the statutes of the Parisian confraternity of the Twelve Apostles. Due to the unusual writing, there have been some uncertainties regarding the classification and dating of the text. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.12
Parchment · I + 10 + I ff. · 23 x 15.5 cm · France: Eastern (?) · 12th century
Excerpts from an Antidotarium; Isaac Judaeus: De diaetis universalibus; Ps.-Galenus: Liber alter de dynamidiis; Sententiae ex libro Proverbiorum; Medical Recipes; Excerpts (Fragment)

Four bound bifolia from a medical manuscript, likely produced in Eastern France, containing excerpts from an antidotary and from Isaac Judaeus’ De diaetis universalibus. The two leaves added at the end present excerpts from the Liber alter de dynamidiis, other excerpts of a theological nature, and medical recipes. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.13
Parchment · 8 ff. · 19 x 13.5 cm · France · 12th century
Richardus de Sancto Victore: Beniamin minor (Fragment)

Four bifolia (1 quire) from a manuscript written in France with the Beniamin minor by Richard of Saint-Victor. Unfortunately, the origin cannot be determined more precisely from the partly cut owner’s note on folio 1. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.14
Parchment · 6 ff. · 20.5 x 15 cm · France: Eastern (?) · 12th century
Isidorus: Sententiae (Fragment)

Three bifolia from a manuscript possibly made in Eastern France, which contained Isidore’s Sententiae and was extensively annotated. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.15
Parchment · 8 ff. · 20.5 x 14 cm · France: Paris · 12th/13th century
Glossae in Vetus Testamentum; Hieronymus: Quaestiones Hebraicae in librum I Regum (Fragment)

Four bifolia of a manuscript that belonged to the abbey of canons regular of Sainte-Geneviève in Paris. The quire with the Glossae in Vetus Testamentum (Leviticus and 1 Kings) and the Quaestiones Hebraicae in librum I Regum by Hieronymus forms the beginning of Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 554. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.16
Parchment · II + 8 + II ff. · 25.5 x 18 cm · France · last third of the 9th century
De divisionibus temporum (Fragment)

Four bifolia (possibly one quire) from a manuscript produced in France. The text, conceived as a dialogue between teacher and pupil, which survives in its entirety in Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 417, f. 47r-61v, contains the treatise De divisionibus temporum, based on an Irish computus. Formerly in the possession of Pierre Daniel, the fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.17
Parchment · 4 ff. · 21.5 x 16 cm · France · 10th century
Sedulius: Carmen paschale: Dedicatio ad Macedonium (Fragment)

Two bifolia from a manuscript written in France, containing Sedulius’ Carmen paschale. The sparsely illuminated and glossed fragment previously belonged to Pierre Daniel and came in 1632 to Bern in the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.18
Parchment · I + 8 + I ff. · 25.5–26 x 18–18.5 cm · France: Western · last quarter of the 9th century
Augustinus: De magistro (Fragment)

Four bifolia (1 quire) from a manuscript likely made in Western France that contained Augustine’s De magistro. Some leaves are the palimpsest of a document copied on both sides, possibly of Spanish origin. The fragment belonged initially to Pierre Daniel, and came in 1632 to Bern in the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.19
Parchment · 1 f. · 28.5 x 22 cm · France: probably Loire area · 3rd quarter of the 9th century
Hymni aevi Carolini; Florilegium: Excerpts from Horace (Fragment)

Single leaf from a manuscript, probably produced in the Loire area, containing Carolingian hymns. The back of the leaf is heavily abraded and contains a selection of excerpts from Horace, approximately in the order they appear in his works. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. AA 90.20
Parchment · 6 ff. · 23 x 17 cm · France · 12th/13th century
Petrus Cantor: De tropis loquendi; Beda: De schematibus et tropis; Recettes médicales (Fragment)

Three bifolia from a manuscript produced in France, which contained the treatises De tropis loquendi by Peter the Chanter and De schematibus et tropis by Bede. On the last leaf is a collection of French medical recipes. As can be seen from a note on f. 1r, Pierre Daniel and Pierre Pithou exchanged ideas about the content of the text. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars. (mit)

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