St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 942, p. 225 – 15th century Composite Manuscript from the Monastery of St. Gall containing, among other items, alphabetical excerpts of writings by the Church Fathers, Bonaventure’s work <i>Soliloquium</i>, and the 10th/11th century <i>Consuetudines Fuldenses</i>
Paper · 410 pp. · 21.7 x 15.5 cm · Monastery of St. Gall · 15th century, probably around 1423/1436
15th century Composite Manuscript from the Monastery of St. Gall containing, among other items, alphabetical excerpts of writings by the Church Fathers, Bonaventure’s work <i>Soliloquium</i>, and the 10th/11th century <i>Consuetudines Fuldenses</i>
Manuscript Summary:This composite manuscript from the Monastery of St. Gall, written and compiled by several hands in the 15th century, contains (in addition to shorter texts and numerous blank pages): excerpts in alphabetical order of Latin writings by church fathers regarding various theological concepts (De abiectione – De voto; pp. 3−179); the work Soliloquium by the Franciscan theologian and philosopher Bonaventure (1221−1274; pp. 181−266); a copy of the anonymous work Stella clericorum that was often adopted in the 15th century (pp. 291−319); the work Speculum peccatoris falsely attributed to Augustine (pp. 339−354); the sermon Corde creditur ad iustitiam by Thomas Ebendorfer (pp. 355−361); the Capitulare monasticum III of 818/819 (pp. 363−367); a not quite complete copy of a letter from Theodomar, Abbot of Montecassino, to Charlemagne (pp. 369−373); and the Consuetudines Fuldenses from the 10th/11th century in the Redactio Sangallensis-Fuldensis (pp. 374−404). The wood binding is covered with red leather; on p. 361 three is a note by the scribe: per me syfridum pfragner.(smu)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 354.
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St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 942
Paper · 410 pp. · 21.7 x 15.5 cm · Monastery of St. Gall · 15th century, probably around 1423/1436
15th century Composite Manuscript from the Monastery of St. Gall containing, among other items, alphabetical excerpts of writings by the Church Fathers, Bonaventure’s work <i>Soliloquium</i>, and the 10th/11th century <i>Consuetudines Fuldenses</i>
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 942, p. 225 – 15th century Composite Manuscript from the Monastery of St. Gall containing, among other items, alphabetical excerpts of writings by the Church Fathers, Bonaventure’s work <i>Soliloquium</i>, and the 10th/11th century <i>Consuetudines Fuldenses</i> (
Paper · 410 pp. · 21.7 x 15.5 cm · Monastery of St. Gall · 15th century, probably around 1423/1436
15th century Composite Manuscript from the Monastery of St. Gall containing, among other items, alphabetical excerpts of writings by the Church Fathers, Bonaventure’s work <i>Soliloquium</i>, and the 10th/11th century <i>Consuetudines Fuldenses</i>
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 354.
Manuscript title: Cod. Sang. 942
Date of origin: s. XV
Support: Papier
410 Seiten
Format: 4°
Writing and hands: (S. 361Per me Syfridum Pfragner).
S. 3-179>De abiectione<
>de Voto<
(alphabetische Auszüge aus den Kirchenvätern wie in Cod. 947).
S. 181-266SoliloquiumBonaventurae
(Opp. VII p. 113).
S. 291-319In medio nebule
etc. (26 Kapitel. Ist die sogen. Stella clericorum).
(Von anderer gleichzeitiger Hand)
(S. 363)
Ueber die Sendung Adalgar's durch Karl d. Gr. nach M. Cassino (10 Zeilen);
Ecce rescripta a fratribus A° inc. 807 VI. Id. Julii
etc. (Statuten des Kapitels zu Aachen, bis S. 367);
(S. 368-369)
Professionis monastice patribus et fratribus theutunicis
(S. 369-373)
Propagatori ac defensori etc. Theodmarus etc. …–…
genua non flectimus. Explicit epistola de monasterio S. Benedicti ad Karolum regem directa.
(Dieser inkomplete Brief reicht nur bis S. 364 der Ausg. von Jaffé Bibl. germ. IV. Der Brief ad fratres Teuton. aus einer Baslerhs. abgedr. bei Mabillon Anal. vet. IV p. 462-64.)