Manuscript Summary:Bifolio from the third volume (May-June) of a Fulda Legendary that originally consisted of six volumes, commissioned in 1156 by Rugger, monk at Frauenberg Abbey in Fulda (1176-1177 abbot of Fulda as Rugger II). This fragment contains parts of the Passio sanctorum Nerei et Achillei and of the Vita s. Maximi by Lupus of Ferrières and probably was written by Eberhard of Fulda. The legendary was still used in the middle of the 16th century in Fulda by Georg Witzel (1501-1573) for his Hagiologium seu de sanctis ecclesiae (Mainz 1541) as well as for his Chorus sanctorum omnium. Zwelff Bücher Historien Aller Heiligen Gottes (Köln 1554). Other fragments from this third volume are in Basel, Solothurn and Nuremberg. It shows that this volume, and at least the 6th volume (November-December) of the legendary as well, reached Basel, where both evidently were used as manuscript waste around 1580.(stb)
Standard description: Johannes Staub (Institut Bibliotheca Fuldensis der Theologischen Fakultät Fulda) und Anette Löffler, 2019.
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Online Since: 06/13/2019
Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, N I 3:47
Parchment · 2 ff. · 32 x 24.5 + 24.5 cm · Fulda · ca. 1156
Fulda Legendary
How to quote:
Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, N I 3:47, f. 1r – Fulda Legendary (
Johannes Staub (Institut Bibliotheca Fuldensis der Theologischen Fakultät Fulda) und Anette Löffler, 2019.
Manuscript title: Fuldaer Legendar
Place of origin: Fulda
Date of origin: ca. 1156
Support: Pergament
1 Doppelbl.
Format: 32 × 24,5 + 24,5 cm.
Condition: an den Ecken und (mit Textverlust) vor allem am unteren und äußeren Rand beschnitten, auf der bei der Zweitverwendung nach außen gewandten Seite nur am Rücken eingedunkelt;
1ra-vbPassio sanctorum Nerei et Achillei.[ … Aure]lianus singulis diebus per horas tres capite deorsum verso …–…
in profunda viscera terrę foveam faciens diligentissime sepelivit.
BHL 6065sq., c. V (20) - VI (25). Druck: Acta sanctorum Maii, t. 3, ed. Godefroid Henschen - Daniel Papebroch, Antwerpen 1680, p. 11F-13A.
Folgt Zusatz:
Cum igitur hoc nunciatum fuisset Luxurio comprehendens sanctum Cęsarium diaconum …–…
Aqua quidem, que me regeneravit quasi filium itera […] .
Wie †Münster, Universitätsbibliothek 22, 46v (cf. Moretus 1908, p. 302).
Inhaltsverzeichnis N I 2: 59a, 2raXVI Passio sanctorum Ner[ei et Achillei] fratrum et Domi[tillae].