Documents: 949, displayed: 861 - 880

Sub-project: e-codices 2017-2020

January 2017-December 2020

Status: Completed

Financed by: swissuniversities

Description: Continued support from the swissuniversities program “Scientific Information” will ensure the sustainability of e-codices and its transformation from a project to an established service. In addition, it will ensure the continued improvement of technical infrastructure. Such ongoing development is necessary in order to contribute to essential technical developments in the area of interoperability in the coming years. Finally, more sub-projects will be initiated in order to publish online by 2020 most of those Swiss manuscripts that, from a current point of view, are relevant to research.

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Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Cod. Don. B VI 4
Parchment · 1 f. · 41.5 x 27 cm · Fulda · ca. 1156
Fulda Legendary

Leaf from the fourth volume (Juli-August) of a Fulda Legendary that originally consisted of six volumes, commissioned in 1156 by Rugger, monk at Frauenberg Abbey in Fulda (1176-1177 abbot of Fulda as Rugger II). This fragment contains parts of the Vita s. Amalbergae and probably was written by Eberhard of Fulda. The legendary was still used in the middle of the 16th century in Fulda by Georg Witzel (1501-1573) for his Hagiologium seu de sanctis ecclesiae (Mainz 1541) as well as for his Chorus sanctorum omnium. Zwelff Bücher Historien Aller Heiligen Gottes (Köln 1554). This is the only verifiable fragment from the 4th volume. The remaining surviving fragments from the legendary are in Basel, Solothurn and Nuremberg. They are from the third (May-June) and sixth (November-December) volume and show that these volumes at least reached Basel, where both evidently were used as manuscript waste around 1580. (stb)

Online Since: 06/13/2019

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Tesserete, Archivio parrocchiale, codice 1
Parchment · III + 190 pp. · 31.5 x 22.5 cm · Northern Italy (Milan) · 1342
Epistolarium ambrosianum

This manuscript, as yet almost unknown, contains an epistolary following the Ambrosian Rite. It was commissioned in 1342 by the priest Giacomo de Parazo for a church dedicated to St. Fermo not further identified. This manuscript probably reached Tesserete (Canton of Ticino), an area where the Ambrosian Rite was used, in the 15th/16th century; here it was taken apart and rebound, at which time was added a copy of a testament of dubious authenticity written in 1078 by Contessa from the city of Milan for the benefit of the church of S. Stefano in Tesserete. In the 17th century, the manuscript was the property of the Verdoni family of notaries; since the 20th century, it has been held by the parish of Tesserete. On the initial page, St. Ambrose, the patron saint of the diocese of Milan, is represented in an illuminated initial. (ber)

Online Since: 12/14/2017

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Trogen, Kantonsbibliothek Appenzell Ausserrhoden, CM Ms. 14
Paper · 50 ff. · 16.5 x 11 cm · Ingolstadt · 1584–1589
Book of traditional costumes for Ladislaus von Törring

This paper manuscript – a Liber Amicorum for Ladislaus von Törring – contains 49 deptictions of costumes and four of coats-of-arms: all are high quality watercolors and probably all are by the same hand. The costumes mostly show high-ranking persons, mainly from France (Paris), Spain and Veneto. Means of transport, such as ships and carriages, from the same time period are also depicted. Some of the people pictured are identified by captions in French and Italian. Aphorisms and dedications, mostly in Latin, are added on seven pages. The dedicatee is Ladislaus von Törring (1566-1638), Baron in Stein and Pertenstein, Rector of the University of Ingolstadt, a relative of the Bavarian royal family. (eis)

Online Since: 03/19/2020

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Trogen, Kantonsbibliothek Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Fa Zellweger 90/A : 01.1
Paper · 31 ff. · 37 x 32.5 cm · Trogen · 1891
Chronicle of the Zellweger family, vol. 1

Album with depictions of members of the Zellweger family of textile merchants from Trogen, with biographical texts on the male representatives of the family. From the early modern era until the middle of the 19th century, the Zellwegers shaped the economy and politics of Appenzell Ausserrhoden. Victor Eugen Zellweger, the author of these texts, saw to the reproduction of family-owned paintings, drawings and prints, making use of the most modern techniques of photography. For the calligraphic design and illustration of the 3-volume work, he engaged the illustrator Salomon Schlatter from St. Gall. (eis)

Online Since: 03/29/2019

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Trogen, Kantonsbibliothek Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Fa Zellweger 90/A : 01.2
Paper · 26 ff. · 37 x 32.5 cm · Trogen · 1891
Chronicle of the Zellweger family, vol. 2

Album with depictions of members of the Zellweger family of textile merchants from Trogen, with biographical texts on the male representatives of the family. From the early modern era until the middle of the 19th century, the Zellwegers shaped the economy and politics of Appenzell Ausserrhoden. Victor Eugen Zellweger, the author of these texts, saw to the reproduction of family-owned paintings, drawings and prints, making use of the most modern techniques of photography. For the calligraphic design and illustration of the 3-volume work, he engaged the illustrator Salomon Schlatter from St. Gall. (eis)

Online Since: 03/29/2019

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Trogen, Kantonsbibliothek Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Fa Zellweger 90/A : 01.3
Paper · 39 ff. · 37 x 32.5 cm · Trogen · 1891
Chronicle of the Zellweger family, vol. 3

Album with depictions of members of the Zellweger family of textile merchants from Trogen, with biographical texts on the male representatives of the family. From the early modern era until the middle of the 19th century, the Zellwegers shaped the economy and politics of Appenzell Ausserrhoden. Victor Eugen Zellweger, the author of these texts, saw to the reproduction of family-owned paintings, drawings and prints, making use of the most modern techniques of photography. For the calligraphic design and illustration of the 3-volume work, he engaged the illustrator Salomon Schlatter from St. Gall. (eis)

Online Since: 03/29/2019

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Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum, cod. 6 (JUD040)
Parchment · IV + 476 + IV ff. · 23.7 x 19 cm · Spain (Castile?) · 1st half of the 14th century
Bible with Masora magna and Masora parva

Sephardic Bible in Hebrew, produced in the first half of the 14th century in Spain, probably in Castile. The manuscript opens and closes with Masoretic lists (ff. IIr-IXv and 463v to 466v), which, framed by illuminated borders, form “carpet pages”. The biblical text, copied into one or two columns, is accompanied by the Small and Large Masora (rules from the rabbinic tradition regarding the reading and vocalization of the sacred texts), which were written in tiny letters in the margins and in the gutters. These micrographic elements are sometimes enlivened in the lower margins of the pages (about 70 occurrences) or on all four sides of the pages (e.g., ff. 42r-43r, 461v-463r), where they form magnificent geometrical figures and interlace. The first biblical books are introduced by titles that are executed in browned gold on background fields of pink and blue with white scrollwork (f. 1v/Gn, 33v/Ex, 59v/Nb, 77v/Dt, 102v/Js, 125v/Jg). According to a note of ownership (f. 467v) dated 1367 (?), this Hebrew Bible was probably owned by David ha-Cohen Coutinho, member of a family of Portuguese marranos. In the 15th century, it was the property of Moses Abulafia, until his widow sold it, as shown by the sales contract, dated and signed in 1526 in Thessaloniki and placed in the beginning of the book (f. Ir). In the 16th century, the Bible was owned by the Talmudist and Rabbi Abraham di Boton of Thessaloniki (f. 467v). Thereafter its presence is attested in the Zaradel Synagogue of Alexandria in the 19th century (R. Gottheil, „Some Hebrew Manuscripts in Cairo“ in: Jewish Quarterly Review 17, 1905, p. 648). After the Bible entered the fine arts market, it has been in a private collection since 1996. (rou)

Online Since: 12/14/2017

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Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum, Cod. 7
Paper · 476 pp. · 20 x 29 cm · 1562-1669
Cudesch da Estems (Register of appraisals and taxes) 1562-1669

Register of the assets of the inhabitants of the communities Bergün, Filisur, Latsch and Stuls, compiled by the public notary and chancellor at the time, later Landammann (magistrate) and pastor Tumesch Zeuth; it was updated about every ten years, first in German and, towards the end, also in Romansh. Its significance is not well documented; perhaps originally it served as a basis for financing the communities’ buying their freedom from the Bishop of Chur in 1537, later perhaps it served as a key for distributing the communities’ income from, among other things, the Valtellina districts, from pensions, from tariffs on goods and tolls on roads, etc. Currently this is the oldest known manuscript from Bergün; it is the property of Werner Dübendorfer of Eglisau. The book containing its continuation, probably up to 1799, has been lost. (fal)

Online Since: 12/14/2017

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Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum, Cod. 8
Parchment · 4 ff. · 32 x 24 cm · after 1442 - end of the 15th century
Martin le Franc, Le Champion des Dames

This parchment fragment from Martin le Franc’s Champion des Dames (Book I, v. 3901-v. 4062 + Book II, v. 4313-v. 4470) is from the 15th century. The text corresponds to that of the Deschaux edition (1999). Carefully copied in two columns, the different stanzas of the poem are introduced by colored initials, alternating red and blue, and by champie initials. Book II opens with a decorated initial on a gold background, badly worn due to the fragment’s use as binding for a land register during the 17th century. This land register belonged to Jaques Etienne Clavel, co-ruler of Marsens, Ropraz and Brenles (fol. 2r). (rou)

Online Since: 12/14/2018

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Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum, Cod. 9
Parchment and paper · 132 ff. · 9.5 x 7 cm · Italy · 14th century
Collection of laws about ritual slaughter and about dietary laws (Hilkhot Shekhitah and Treifah)

This small-format handbook about ritual slaughter is from 14th century Italy. It contains the laws of shekhitah (ritual slaughter) and of treifot (possible defects of kosher animals) by Judah ben Benjamin ha-Rofe Anaw from Rome (13th century). These laws are followed by excerpts of laws on shekhitah from the Torat ha-Bayit ha-Arokh, a legal work on the laws governing Jewish households by Salomon ben Abraham ben Adret from Barcelona (1235-1310). (iss)

Online Since: 10/10/2019

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Wattwil, Kloster Maria der Engel Wattwil, Ms. 1
Parchment · 499 pp. · 20 x 15.5 cm · Wattwil · 1739

Collection of recipes for preparing medicines. The form in which the recipes are presented ranges from a list of ingredients to more or less detailed texts including information about the preparation as well as the use of the medication. In the index, the recipes are divided into 10 chapters according to dosage form (pp. 456-479). At the end of each chapter there are several pages that have been left blank for additional recipes. The manuscript, which was created in 1739, is from the pharmacy of the former Capuchin Convent of Wattwil. It contains numerous 18th century additions in various hands. Since the dissolution of the Capuchin Convent St. Mary of the Angels of Wattwil in 2010, the manuscript, as part of the convent pharmacy, belongs to the Foundation Kloster Maria der Engel Wattwil. (hle)

Online Since: 06/13/2019

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Wattwil, Kloster Maria der Engel Wattwil, Ms. 2
Paper · A-B, 1-13, 13a, 14-276 pp. · 20.7 x 16.5 cm · Schänis · 1755

Collection of recipes for preparing medicines. The form in which the recipes are presented ranges from a list of ingredients to more or less detailed texts including information about the preparation as well as the use of the medication. There is no index. The manuscript, which was written in 1755, is from the chapter of the noble secular canonesses of Schänis (fol. Br). Several recipes are later additions. The numerous blank pages indicate that it had been planned from the beginning to leave room for additional recipes. It is not known when the manuscript became part of the pharmacy of the former Capuchin Convent of Wattwil. Since the dissolution of the Capuchin Convent St. Mary of the Angels of Wattwil in 2010, the manuscript, as part of the convent pharmacy, belongs to the Foundation Kloster Maria der Engel Wattwil. (hle)

Online Since: 06/13/2019

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Wattwil, Kloster Maria der Engel Wattwil, Ms. 3
Paper · A-F, 1-282 pp. · 22.5 x 18.5 cm · Wattwil · 1881

Collection of recipes for preparing medicines. The form in which the recipes are presented ranges from a simple list of ingredients to more detailed texts including information about the preparation as well as the use of the medication. There is an index (pp. 262-264). The manuscript is from the pharmacy of the former Capuchin Convent of Wattwil; in 1881 it was “improved and written” (“verbessert und geschrieben”) based on an older original (p. E). The book contains a few additions up to the 20th century. Since the dissolution of the Capuchin Convent St. Mary of the Angels of Wattwil in 2010, the manuscript, as part of the convent pharmacy, belongs to the Foundation Kloster Maria der Engel Wattwil. (hle)

Online Since: 10/10/2019

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Wattwil, Kloster Maria der Engel Wattwil, Ms. 4
Paper · A-B, 1-98 pp. · 21 x 17.5 cm · Wattwil · first half of the 20th century

This herbal contains descriptions of medicinal herbs in alphabetical order along with the medicinal effects attributed to them. An index (p. 94) is appended to the recipes, but it ends already at number 5 “anise”. This manuscript is from the pharmacy of the former Capuchin Convent of Wattwil and was written in the first half of the 20th century. Since the dissolution of the Capuchin Convent St. Mary of the Angels of Wattwil in 2010, the manuscript, as part of the convent pharmacy, belongs to the Foundation Kloster Maria der Engel Wattwil. (hle)

Online Since: 10/10/2019

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Wil, Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina, **m 18
Paper · 70 ff. · 15 x 10.5/11 cm · second half of the 15th century
Prayers, Latin

This small volume contains various prayers in Latin, some of which are preceded by rubrics in German. All in one hand, without note of ownership; the limp vellum binding probably is original. (ber)

Online Since: 10/04/2018

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Wil, Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina, **m 19
Paper · 165 ff. · 11 x 9 cm · 1620 / second half of the 15th century / around 1600
Book of prayers and devotions

This small volume consists of two parts, containing prayers and meditations on various topics, to be read in 30 days. One part (ff. 1r-45r) – today at the beginning of the manuscript, but originally probably at the end – was written by Maria Ferrin, as can be read on f. 45r. The current second part was copied by two hands from the second half of the 15th century – beginning of the 16th century. A parchment fragment from a lectionary was used for the limp vellum binding. (ber)

Online Since: 10/04/2018

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Wil, Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina, M 13
Paper · I + 238 ff. · 16.5 x 11. 5 cm · St. Gall, dominican Convent of St. Katharina, Cordula von Schönau · [14]92
Breviary with calendar

This manuscript contains a Dominican breviary preceded by a calendar with various necrological annotations. The codex was written by Cordula von Schönau, Dominican at the Abbey of St. Katharina in St. Gall, who signed the inside front cover and wrote the dated ex-libris on the first flyleaf. Cordula von Schönau’s hand can also be found in Cod. Sang. 406 of the Abbey Library of Saint Gall, in Ms. 22 of the Leopold-Sophien-Bibliothek in Überlingen, and in Wil in Ms. 3 as well as in several parts of the “Schwesternbuch” (Book of sisters) and of the “Konventsbuch” (Chronicle). (ber)

Online Since: 10/04/2018

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Wil, Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina, M 16
Paper · 126 ff. · 15 x 10 cm · 15th century / 1513
Ascetica et liturgica varia

This manuscript contains various liturgical and ascetic texts. The volume was written by various more or less practiced hands; one wrote a date .I.5.I.3. with his initials J. ae. (f. 47v), another only his initials J. h. L. (f. 101v). A parchment fragment of a document from the bishop of Konstanz from the year 1441 was used as binding. (ber)

Online Since: 10/04/2018

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Wil, Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina, M 46
Paper · 50 ff. · 15.5 x 10.5 cm · second half of the 16th century / second half of the 15th century
Composite manuscript

The first half of this manuscript contains two sermons on charity translated from Latin. They were copied in 1589 by a scribe who signed as F. C. A. (f. 7v). The rest of the manuscript is the work of two different scribes who were active in the second half of the 15th century; this part contains a sermon for members of religious orders (ff. 8r-30r) and a treatise about sin and repentance (ff. 31r-49r). A calendar page (November/December, 14th century) containing several obituary notes was used for the binding. (ber)

Online Since: 10/04/2018

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Zürich, Braginsky Collection, B283
Paper · 11 ff. · 29.2-32.2 x 20-22 cm · Venice · 1553-1555
Documents concerning the condemnation and burning of the Talmud

This collection of eleven documents in Italian concerning the condemnation and burning of the Talmud relate to one of the darkest periods in the history of the Hebrew book. The collection of documents constitute a more or less chronological account of the events and were probably a part of a file that belonged to a Venetian Inquisitor. Reproduced here is a summary (regesta) of six papal briefs from 1518-1537, in which Popes Leo X, Clement VII, and Paul III grant Daniel Bomberg licenses to print Hebrew books in Venice. Other documents include: orders to converted former Jews to inspect Hebrew texts for heretical content, copies of the relevant papal decrees, and reports on the events in Rome and Venice. (red)

Online Since: 03/22/2017

Documents: 949, displayed: 861 - 880