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The e-codices newsletter provides information about the latest updates, highlights, and activities of our project.

We are delighted to count you among our readers!

The e-codices team

e-codices newsletter | issue no. 57 | June 2024

In this issue:

  1. Spring Update
  2. Biblical Fragments from St. Gall
  3. A Pontifical Finds its Place
  4. Paradies Breviaries
  5. Fragmentarium Video Conferences
  6. Publish in Fragmentology
Read previous newsletters

1. Spring Update

On 31 May 2024, e-codices published 48 new documents. These include Franciscan breviaries from Schaffhausen, key documents pertaining to the Governance of Appenzell, spiritual and theological texts from St. Gall, and, from Porrentruy, crucial material for the political and ecclesiastical history of Northwestern Switzerland.

Explore the latest manuscripts added
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1398b.14, p. 7 ‐ 14th folder of the fragment collection Cod. Sang. 1398b.

2.  Biblical Fragments from St. Gall

Among the amazing collection of St. Gall manuscript material published in this update are the eighteen folders that used to make up Cod. Sang. 1398b, part of the famed series of volumes gathering together fragments detached from St. Gall bindings. The Cod. Sang. 1398b folders contain Biblical fragments, including numerous pieces of the Vetus Latina, the pre-Vulgate Latin translations of the Bible.

Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, Ms. 35, f. 81v ‐ Pontifical of Jean de Venningen

3. A Pontifical Finds its Place

The manuscripts from Porrentruy published with this update include Ms. 35, a pontifical purchased at auction in 2023. In coming to Porrentruy and to e-codices, it joins three other liturgical manuscripts (ms. 1, ms. 2, and ms. 3) commissioned by Jean de Venningen, bishop of Basel, around 1462-1463.

Investigate this Pontifical
Schaffhausen, Stadtbibliothek, Ministerialbibliothek, Min. 100, Rear pastedown ‐ Breviarium OFM (pars aestivalis)

4. Paradies Breviaries

Believed to come from the House of Poor Claires of Paradies, two Franciscan breviaries, Schaffhausen, Stadtbibliothek, Min. 100 and Min. 101, provide a valuable witness to female spirituality in the fifteenth century. These two books now feature on e-codices alongside Min 98 and Min. 99 as the surviving witnesses to the nuns‘ library.

Find joy in these breviaries
Detail of Chartres, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 13, Photo by Claudia Rabel. This has very little to do with the AN fragmetns, but we lack a good photo of a trove of fragments, so I recycled this one.

5. Fragmentarium Video Conferences

On Friday, June 7, at 5 PM Paris time, Lucie Moruzzis and and Isabelle Scappazzoni, book and paper conservators, Archives nationales, France, will present: “Conserving, Restoring, and Documenting Fragments: the Case of the French National Archives”. The presentation will take place on Zoom; registration is obligatory.

Fragmentology title and subtitle, black on white: the title “Fragmentology”, followed by the subtitle “A Journal for the Study of Medieval Manuscript Fragments”

6.  Publish in Fragmentology

The Open Access Journal Fragmentology is now taking submissions for its next issue! Submit your studies of individual fragments and entire corpora, your methodological observations, or your theoretical and practical reflections on the phenomenon of fragmentation and its relation to medieval written material!

Submit to Fragmentology

Virtual Manuscript Library of Switzerland
University of Fribourg
Rue de l‘Hôpital 4, CH – 1700 Fribourg
