Stos, Rolet (* ca. 1501)
The so-called "Berner Parzival" is the last dated manuscript of Wolfram von Eschenbach's epic poem about the Holy Grail, created between 1200 and 1210; moreover, this textual witness is adorned with illustrations. Presumably the Bernese merchant Jörg Friburger commissioned the manuscript in 1467 from the scribe Johann Stemhein of Konstanz, who edited and stylistically modernized the text of his model to match the tastes of a late medieval urban public. In addition, he gave directions for illustrations, which were later executed by a painter who created 28 colored pen and ink drawings. The further history of this manuscript,which today consists of 180 leaves, is unknown; it must, however, have reached the Bernese municipal library in the early years of the 19th century, where it is attested at least since 1816.
Online Since: 09/26/2017
- Stos, Rolet (Bookbinder) Found in: Standard description
- Guilelmus, Arvernus (Author) | Lindt, Johann (Restorer) | Stos, Rolet (Bookbinder) | Wolfram, von Eschenbach (Author) Found in: Standard description
During his studies in Avignon, Jean Joly (Guardian of the Franciscan Convent of Fribourg 1467-1469, 1472-1478, 1481-1510) prepared this copy of the Quaestiones in quattuor libros sententiarum by Peter of Aquila, an Italian Franciscan theologian who lectured at Paris in the 1330s. His commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard earned him the nickname “Scotellus” for his accessible presentation of the doctrine of John Duns Scotus (d. 1308). The wooden-board binding and formerly chained volume from the fifteenth century was restored by Carole Jeanneret in 2022.
Online Since: 12/20/2023
- Stos, Rolet (Bookbinder) Found in: Standard description
- Joly, Jean (Scribe) | Joly, Jean (Former possessor) | Petrus, de Aquila (Author) | Stos, Rolet (Bookbinder) Found in: Standard description
Master manuscript of the "Freiburger Perikopen". German language plenary with scripture selections for Mass in German, glosses and additional texts for Sunday and important holy days.
Online Since: 07/31/2007
- Stos, Rolet (Bookbinder) Found in: Standard description
- Stos, Rolet (Bookbinder) Found in: Standard description
- Stos, Rolet (Bookbinder) Found in: Additional description
This miscellany manuscript contains texts from the end of the thirteenth to the beginning of the fifteenth century in 12 parts, and belonged to Jean Joly (Guardian of the Fribourg Franciscan Convent, 1467-1469, 1472-1478, 1481-1510). The first part of the manuscript consists in a bull of Pope Benedict XII, dated to 1337. The volume essentially contains papal bulls and constitutions as well as statutes of Franciscan Order and determinations of particular provinces of the Franciscan order. A formerly chained volume, it has wooden boards covered with dark brown leather.
Online Since: 12/20/2023
- Stos, Rolet (Bookbinder) Found in: Standard description
- Benedictus XII, Papa (Author) | Bonaventura, Sanctus (Author) | Johannes XXII., Papst (Author) | Joly, Jean (Former possessor) | Klemens V., Papst (Author) | Martinus V, Papa (Author) | Nikolaus III., Papst (Author) | Stos, Rolet (Bookbinder) Found in: Standard description