Valentin, Jacques (S. XVI)
This study notebook, written in 1567, contains two transcriptions of lectures written by the St. Gall monk Mauritius Enk († 1575), who was studying in Paris: 1) fol. 1r−53r: lectures by Petrus Christinus SJ on Aristotle's Metaphysics, 2) fol. 56r−130r: lectures by Jacobus Valentinus de Borrasa SJ († 1581) on Metaphysics.
Online Since: 10/08/2015
- Aristoteles (Author) | Christinus, Petrus (Author) | Mauritius, Enk (Former possessor) | Valentin, Jacques (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Aristoteles (Author) | Christinus, Petrus (Author) | Mauritius, Enk (Former possessor) | Valentin, Jacques (Author) Found in: Additional description
A study notebook used by the St. Gall monk Mauritius Enk († 1575) containing notes on lectures given by the Jesuit Jacobus Valentinus (also known as Jacobus de Borrasa; † 1581) on Aristotle's De physica, De caelo et mundo, Tractatus de elementis, De ortu et interitu and De anima, written in 1568/69 while Enk was a student at the Jesuit-run Collège de Clermont in Paris.
Online Since: 04/15/2010
- Mauritius, Enk (Former possessor) | Valentin, Jacques (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Mauritius, Enk (Former possessor) | Valentin, Jacques (Author) Found in: Additional description
Transcriptions, prepared by Mauritius Enk (1538-1575) of the Abbey of St. Gall and an unknown fellow student, of lectures presented by the Spanish Jesuit Johannes Maldonatus (Juan Maldonado, professor of philosophy from 1564 to 1565 and of theology from 1565 to 1569 at the College de Clermont) and Jacobus Valentinus (Jacques Valentin, professor of theology at the College de Clermont from 1565 to 1569). In addition to an introduction to theology, the lecture notes include a commentary on Aristotle by Jacques Valentin (Annotationes in libros Ethicorum) and other material. The volume has a Parisian calfskin binding bearing an owner's mark embossed in gold.
Online Since: 04/15/2010
- Aristoteles (Author) | Maldonado, Juan de (Author) | Mauritius, Enk (Scribe) | Valentin, Jacques (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Aristoteles (Author) | Maldonado, Juan de (Author) | Mauritius, Enk (Scribe) | Valentin, Jacques (Author) Found in: Additional description
Lecture notes by Mauritius Enk (1538-1575) of the abbey of St. Gall from lectures by the Spanish Jesuit Jacobus Valentinus (professor of theology at the Collège de Clermont 1565-1569) on Aristotle's Ethics.
Online Since: 04/15/2010
- Aristoteles (Author) | Mauritius, Enk (Scribe) | Valentin, Jacques (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Aristoteles (Author) | Mauritius, Enk (Scribe) | Valentin, Jacques (Author) Found in: Additional description
Transcription made by Joachim Opser († 1594, St. Galler monastic community member, Abbot beginning in 1577) of lectures presented by the Spanish Jesuit Jacobus Valentinus (professor of theology at the College de Clermont 1565-1569) on the writings of Aristotle gathered together as the Organon.
Online Since: 04/15/2010
- Aristoteles (Author) | Opser, Joachim (Former possessor) | Valentin, Jacques (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Aristoteles (Author) | Opser, Joachim (Former possessor) | Valentin, Jacques (Author) Found in: Additional description
Lecture note transcriptions made, not as earlier thought, by Joachim Opser, but rather by St. Gall monastic community member Mauritius Enk (1538-1575) and by unknown fellow students. In addition to commentaries on Aristotle by the Spanish Jesuit Johannes Maldonatus (Juan Maldonado, professor of philosophy 1564-1565 and of philosophy 1565-1569 at the College de Clermont) and Jacobus Valentinus (Jaques Valentin, professor of theology at the College de Clermont 1565-1569) as well as additional lectures by the Scottish Jesuit Jacobus Tyrius (professor of theology and philosophy at the College of Clermont) and other texts about arithmetic and geometry, some of them anonymous.
Online Since: 04/15/2010
- Maldonado, Juan de (Author) | Mauritius, Enk (Scribe) | Opser, Joachim (Scribe) | Tiran, Jacques (Author) | Valentin, Jacques (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Maldonado, Juan de (Author) | Mauritius, Enk (Scribe) | Opser, Joachim (Scribe) | Tiran, Jacques (Author) | Valentin, Jacques (Author) Found in: Additional description