Manuscript Summary:A legal manuscript, probably incomplete, which contains an extensive collection of texts. Among the most important are four laws, the Lex Salica, Lex Ribuaria, Lex Alamannorum and Lex Baiuvariorum; a short and fragmentary collection of capitularies issued by Charlemagne; excerpts from De legibus, from Isidore of Seville’s Sententiae, from the Codex Theodosianum and from the Rule of Saint Benedict. The text of the Lex Baiuvariorum also contains legal terms in Old High German.
In 1789 the codex was acquired by Count Johann-Christian Solms, who resided in Klitschdorf Castle near Bunzlau (Silesia) - his coat of arms can be found on f. 1r - which is why the codex is known in the literature as the "Codex Klitschdorf" or "Codex Solmsianus.” In 1960 Martin Bodmer purchased this codex from the New York antiquarian book dealer H. P. Kraus.(ber)
Standard description: Wetzel René, Deutsche Handschriften des Mittelalters in der Bodmeriana, Cologny-Genève 1994, S. 215-216.
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Additional description: Pellegrin Elisabeth, Manuscrits latins de la Bodmeriana, Cologny-Genève 1982, pp. 207-217.
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Online Since: 06/25/2015
Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 107
Parchment · 143 ff. · 24 x 17.5 cm · Nordwestern Germany · end of the 9th century
… De genealogiam, qui vocantur huosi throz zafugana hahilingua aennion. Jsti sunt quasi primi post agilol finges. Agilol fingi vero usq[ue] ad ducem
[117v, Z. 16ff.]
… det uadium […] mittat ipsu[m] uadiu[m]
[131v, Z. 8ff.]
… tunc spondeant invicem uuehadinch quod dicimus
[132v, Z. 15f.]
Hs. E2a der Überlieferung (Krusch) bzw. K (von Schwind).
Hg. Ernst Freiherr von Schwind, Leges nationum Germanicarum. Lex Baiwariorum (MGH, Legum sectio I, t. V, pars 2). Hannover 1926.
Vgl. Bruno Krusch, Die Lex Bajuvariorum. Textgeschichte, Handschriftenkritik und Entstehung. Mit zwei Anhängen: Lex Alamannorum und Lex Ribuaria. Berlin 1924, Speziell S. 89-99;
Pellegrin, S. 214f.
Provenance of the manuscript: Klitschdorf, Grafen von Solms-Baruth